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A simple framework for mobile system design interviews


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A Simple Framework For Mobile System Design Interviews (work in progress)

Below is a simple framework for Mobile System Design interviews. As an example, we are going to use the "Design Twitter Feed" question. The proposed solution is far from being perfect but it is not the point of a system design interview round: no one expects you to build a robust system in just 30 min - the interviewer is mostly looking for specific "signals" from your thought process and communication. Everything you say or do should showcase your strengths and help the interviewer to evaluate you as a candidate.

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The framework was heavily inspired by the similar "Scalable Backend Design" articles. Learning the framework does not guarantee passing the interview. The structure of the interview process depends on the personal style of the interviewer. The dialog is really important - make sure you understand what the interviewer is looking for. Make no assumptions and ask clarifying questions.

This guide does not reflect the interviewing policies from Google (or any other company).

Interview Process (45–60 min)

  • 2–5 min - acquaintances
  • 5 min - defining the task and gathering requirements
  • 10 min - high-level discussion
  • 20-30 min - detailed discussion
  • 5 min - questions to the interviewer


Your interviewer tells you about themselves and you tell them about yourself. It's better to keep it simple and short. For example, "My name is Alex, I've been working on iOS/Android since 2010 - mostly on frameworks and libraries. For the past 2.5 years, I've been leading a team on an XYZ project: my responsibilities include system design, planning and technical mentoring." The only purpose of the introduction is to break the ice and provide a gist of your background. The more time you spend on this, the less time you will have for the actual interview.

Defining The Task

The interviewer defines the task. For example: "Design Twitter Feed". Your first step is to figure out the scope of the task:

  • Client-side only -  just a client-app: you have the backend and API available.
  • Client-side + API  -  likely choice for most interviews: you need to design a client app and API.
  • Client-side + API + Back-end -  less likely choice since most mobile engineers would not have a proper backend experience. If the interviewer asks server-side questions - let them know that you're most comfortable with the client-side and don't have hands-on experience with backend infrastructure. It's better to be honest than trying to fake your knowledge. If they still persist - let them know that everything you know comes from books, YouTube videos, and blog posts.

Gathering Requirements

Task requirements can be split into functional, non-functional and out of scope. We'll define them in the scope of "Design Twitter Feed" task.

Functional requirements

Think about 3–5 features that would bring the biggest value to the business.

  • Users should be able to scroll through an infinite list of tweets.
  • Users should be able to like a tweet.
  • Users should be able to open a tweet and see comments (read-only).

Non-functional requirements

Not immediately visible to a user but plays an important role for the product in general.

  • Offline support.
  • Real-time notifications.
  • Optimal bandwidth and CPU/Battery usage.

Out of scope

Features which will be excluded from the task but would still be important in a real project.

  • Login/Authentication.
  • Tweet sending.
  • Followers/Retweets.
  • Analytics.

Providing the "signal"

System design questions are made ambiguous. The interviewer is more interested in seeing your thought process than the actual solution you produce:

  • What assumptions did you make and how did you state them?
  • What features did you choose?
  • What clarifying questions did you ask?
  • What concerns and trade-offs did you mention?

Your best bet is to ask many questions and cover as much ground as possible. Make it clear that you're starting with the BFS approach and ask them which feature or component they want to dig in. Some interviewers would let you choose which topics you want to discuss :  pick something you know best.

Clarifying Questions

Here are some of the questions you might ask during the task clarification step

  • Do we need to support Emerging Markets?
    Publishing in a developing country brings additional challenges. The app size should be as small as possible due to the widespread use of low-end devices and higher cost of cellular traffic. The app itself should limit the number and the frequency of network requests and heavily rely on caching.
  • What number of users do we expect?
    This seems like an odd question for a mobile engineer but it can be very important: a large number of clients results in a higher back-end load  -  if you don't design your API right , you can easily initiate a DDoS attack on your own servers. Make sure to discuss an Exponential Backoff and API Rate-Limiting with your interviewer.
  • How big is the engineering team?
    This question might make sense for senior candidates. Building a product with a smaller team (2–4 engineers) is very different from building it with a larger team (20–100 engineers). The major concern is project structure and modularization. You need to design your system in a way that allows multiple people to work on it without stepping on each other's toes.

High-Level Diagram

Once your interviewer is satisfied with the clarification step and your choice for the system requirements  - you should ask if they want to see a high-level diagram. Below is a possible solution for the "Twitter Feed" question. High-level Diagram

Server-side components:

  • Backend
    Represents the whole server-sider infrastructure. Most likely, your interviewer won't be interested in discussing it.
  • Push Provider
    Represents the Mobile Push Provider infrastructure. Receives push payloads from the Backend and delivers them to clients.
  • CDN (Content Delivery Network)
    Responsible for delivering static content to clients.

Client-side components:

  • API Service
    Abstracts client-server communications from the rest of the system.
  • Persistence
    A single source of truth. The data your system receives gets persisted on the disk first and then propagated to other components.
  • Repository
    A mediator component between API Service and Persistence.
  • Tweet Feed Flow
    Represents a set of components responsible for displaying an infinite scrollable list of tweets.
  • Tweet Details Flow
    Represents a set of components responsible for displaying a single tweet's details.
  • DI Graph
    Dependency injection graph. TBD.
  • Image Loader
    Responsible for loading and caching static images. Usually represented by a 3rd-party library.
  • Coordinator
    Organizes flow logic between Tweet Feed and Tweet Details components. Helps decoupling components of the system from each other.
  • App Module
    An executable part of the system which "glues" components together.

Providing the "signal"

The interviewer might be looking for the following signals:

  • The candidate can present the "big picture" without overloading it with unnecessary implementation details.
  • The candidate can identify the major building blocks of the system and how they communicate with each other.
  • The candidate has app modularity in mind and is capable of thinking in the scope of the entire team and not limiting themselves as a single contributor (this might be more important for senior candidates).

Frequently Asked Questions

Why using a high-level diagram is necessary? Can I skip it altogether or draw a detailed diagram right away?

A high-level diagram is by no means necessary - you can take any other approach which seems more appropriate for a specific interview case. However, there are some advantages in starting with a high-level approach:

  • Time management - drawing a 30,000 feet view is quick and brings immediate topics for further discussion.
  • Modularity - each high-level component can be potentially isolated in a separate module to allow a team of engineers to work on the project simultaneity without stepping on each other toes.
  • Best practices - this approach is wildly used for the backend system design and closely resembles the C4 model for visualising software architecture.

Still not sure? Ask your interviewer if they want you to draw a high-level diagram or skip it and jump to some concrete components.

Deep Dive: Tweet Feed Flow

After a high-level discussion, your interviewer might steer the conversation towards some specific component of the system. Let's assume it was "Tweet Feed Flow". Things you might want to talk about:

  • Architecture patterns: MVP, MVVM, MVI, etc. MVC is considered a poor choice these days. It's better to select a well known pattern since it makes it easier to onboard new hires (compared to some less known home-grown approaches).
  • Pagination: essential for an infinite scroll functionality. For more details see Pagination.
  • Dependency injection: helps building an isolated and testable module.
  • Image Loading: low-res vs full-res image loading, scrolling performance, etc.

Details Diagram


  • Feed API Service - abstracts Twitter Feed API client: provides the functionality for requesting paginated data from the backend. Injected via DI-graph.
  • Feed Persistence - abstract cached paginated data storage. Injected via DI-graph.
  • Remote Mediator - triggers fetching the next/prev page of data. Redirects the newly fetched paged response into a persistence layer.
  • Feed Repository - consolidates remote and cached responses into a Pager object through Remote Mediator.
  • Pager - trigger data fetching from the Remote Mediator and exposes an observable stream of paged data to UI.
  • "Tweet Like" and "Tweet Details" use cases - provide delegated implementation for "Like" and "Show Details" operations. Injected via DI-graph.
  • Image Loader - abstracts image loading from the image loading library. Injected via DI-graph.

Providing the "signal"

The interviewer might be looking for the following signals:

  • The candidate is familiar with most common MVx patterns.
  • The candidate achieves a clear separation between business logic and UI.
  • The candidate is familiar with dependency injection methods.
  • The candidate is capable of designing self-contained isolated modules.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much detail should I provide in the deep-dive section?"

There's no rule of thumb here. Work closely with the interviewer: ask them if you need to go deeper or move on to the next topic. If you have an in-person/video interview - watch their facial expressions. For example, if you see that the interviewer wants to interrupt you - stop talking and ask if they have any questions. The whole point is to work together - that provides a good signal for you as a team player/collaborator.

Why didn't you mention specific classes (like RecyclerView/UICollectionView) and vendors (like Room, CoreDate, Realm, etc)?

  • To make the guide stable and platform-agnostic: the libraries and the frameworks are constantly evolving - picking up a specific vendor can only be relevant for a short amount of time. Using an abstraction is more robust since you only concentrate on the functionality it provides without digging too much into the implementation details.
  • Vendor selection is biased and depends on personal experience and current trends.
  • Big tech companies (like FAANG) might not care much about vendors since they build their custom proprietary stacks.
  • There are tons of implementation-specific details all over the Internet already.

What drawing tool should I use?

At the time of this writing - Excalidraw, Google Jamboard, and Google Drawings could be the most popular choice. Some interviewers would skip diagramming altogether and prefer a collaborative editor and a verbal discussion. Due to privacy issues, some companies would not let the candidate share the screen and use a tool of personal choice.

API Design

The goal is to cover as much ground as possible - you won't have enough time to cover every API call - just ask the interviewer if they are particulary interested in a specific part, or choose something you know best (in case they don't have a strong preference).

Real-time notification

We need to provide real-time notifications support as a part of the design. Bellow are some of the approaches you can mention during the discussion:

  • Push Notifications:
    • pros:
      • easier to implement compared to a dedicated service.
      • can wake the app in the background.
    • cons:
      • not 100% reliable.
      • may take up to a minute to arrive.
      • relies on a 3rd-party service.
      • users can opt out easily.
  • HTTP-polling
    Polling requires the client to periodically ask the server for updates. The biggest concern is the amount of unnecessary network traffic and increased backend load.
    • short polling: the client samples the server with a predefined time interval.
      • pros:
        • simple and not as expensive (if the time between requests is long).
        • no need to keep a persistent connection.
      • cons:
        • the notification can be delayed for as long as the polling time interval.
        • additional overhead due to TLS Handshake and HTTP-headers
    • long polling:
      • pros:
        • instant notification (no additional delay).
      • cons:
        • more complex and requires more server-side resources.
        • keeps a persistent connection until the server replies.
  • Server-Sent Events
    Allows the client to stream events over an HTTP connection without polling.
    • pros:
      • real-time traffic using a single connection.
    • cons:
      • keeps a persistent connection.
  • Web-Sockets:
    Provide a bi-directional communication between client and server.
    • pros:
      • can transmit both binary and text data.
    • cons:
      • more complex to set-up compared to Polling/SSE.
      • keeps a persistent connection.

The interviewer would expect you to pick a concrete approach most suitable for the design task at hand. One possible solution for the "Design Twitter Feed" question could be using a combination of SSE (a primary channel of receiving real-time updates on "likes") with Push Notifications (sent if the client does not have an active connection to the backend).



A text-based stateless protocol - most popular choice for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations.

  • pros:
    • easy to learn, understand, and implement.
    • easy to cache using built-in HTTP caching mechanism.
    • loose coupling between client and server.
  • cons:
    • less efficient on mobile platforms since every request requires a separate physical connection.
    • schemaless - it's hard to check data validity on the client.
    • stateless - needs extra functionality to maintain a session.
    • additional overhead - every request contains contextual metadata and headers.


A query language for working with API - allows clients to request data from several resources using a single endpoint (instead of making multiple requests in traditional RESTful apps).

  • pros:
    • schema-based typed queries - clients can verify data integrity and format.
    • highly customizable - clients can request specific data and reduce the amount of HTTP-traffic.
    • bi-directional communication with GraphQL Subscriptions (WebSocket based).
  • cons:
    • more complex backend implementation.
    • "leaky-abstraction" - clients become tightly coupled to the backend.
    • the performance of a query is bound to the performance of the slowest service on the backend (in case the response data is federated between multiple services).


Full-duplex communication over a single TCP connection.

  • pros:
    • real time bi-directional communication.
    • provides both text-based and binary traffic.
  • cons:
    • requires maintaining an active connection - might have poor performance on unstable cellular networks.
    • schemaless - it's hard to check data validity on the client.
    • the number of active connections on a single server is limited to 65k.

Learn more about WebSockets:


Remote Procedure Call framework which runs on top of HTTP/2. Supports bi-directional streaming using a single physical connection.

  • pros:
    • lightweight binary messages (much smaller compared to text-based protocols).
    • schema-based - built-in code generation with Protobuf.
    • provides support of event-driven architecture: server-side streaming, client-side streaming, and bi-directional streaming
    • multiple parallel requests.
  • cons:
    • limited browser support.
    • non human-readable format.
    • steeper learning curve.

The interviewer would expect you to pick a concrete approach most suitable for the design task at hand. Since the API layer for the "Design Twitter Feed" question is pretty simple and does not require much customization - we can select an approach based on REST.


Endpoints that return a list of entities must support pagination. Without pagination, a single request could return a huge amount of results causing excessive network and memory usage.

Types of pagination

  • Offset Pagination
    Provides a limit and an offset query parameters. Example: GET /feed?offset=100&limit=20.
    • pros:
      • easiest to implement - the request parameters can be passed directly to a SQL query.
      • stateless on the server.
    • cons:
      • bad performance on large offset values (the database needs to skip offset rows before returning the paginated result).
      • inconsistent when adding new rows into the database (Page Drift).
  • Keyset Pagination
    Uses the values from the last page to fetch the next set of items. Example: GET /feed?after=2021-05-25T00:00:00&limit=20.
    • pros:
      • translates easily into a SQL query.
      • good performance with large datasets.
      • stateless on the server.
    • cons:
      • "leaky abstraction" - the pagination mechanism becomes aware of the underlying database storage.
      • only works on fields with natural ordering (timestamps, etc).
  • Cursor/Seek Pagination
    Operates with stable ids which are decoupled from the database SQL queries (usually, a selected field is encoded using base64 and encrypted on the backend side). Example: GET /feed?after_id=t1234xzy&limit=20.
    • pros:
      • decouples pagination from SQL database.
      • consistent ordering when new items are inserted.
    • cons:
      • more complex backend implementation.
      • does not work well if items get deleted (ids might become invalid).

You need to select a single approach after listing the possible options and discussing their pros and cons. We'll pick Cursor Pagination in the scope of the "Design Twitter Feed" question. A sample API request might look like this:

GET /v1/feed?after_id=p1234xzy&limit=20
Authorization: Bearer <token>
  "data": {
    "items": [
        "id": "t123",
        "author_id": "a123",
        "title": "Title",
        "description": "Description",
        "likes": 12345,
        "comments": 10,
        "attachments": {
          "media": [
              "image_url": "",
              "thumb_url": ""
        "created_at": "2021-05-25T17:59:59.000Z"
  "cursor": {
    "count": 20,
    "next_id": "p1235xzy",
    "prev_id": null

Additional Information

Although we left it out of scope, it's still beneficial to mention HTTP authentication. You can include an Authorization header and discuss how to properly handle 401 Unauthorized response scenario. Also, don't forget to talk about Rate-Limiting strategies (429 Too Many Requests).
Make sure to keep it brief and simple (without unnecessary details): your primary goal during a system design interview is to provide "signal" and not to build a production ready solution.

Providing the "signal"

The interviewer might be looking for the following signals:

  • The candidate is aware of the challenges related to poor network conditions and expensive traffic.
  • The candidate is familiar with most common protocols for unidirectional and bi-directional communication.
  • The candidate is familiar with REST-full API design.
  • The candidate is familiar with authentication and security best practices.
  • The candidate is familiar with network error handling and rate-limiting.

Data Storage

Data Storage Options

Bellow are the most common options for local device data storage:

  • Key-Value Storage (UserDefaults/SharedPreferences/Property List):
    Usually, baked by XML or binary files. Allows associating primitive data with string-based keys. Works best for simple, unstructured, non-sensitive data (settings, flags, etc).
    • pros:
      • easy to use built-in API.
    • cons:
      • insecure (Android provides EncryptedSharedPreferences; 3rd party wrapper libraries available on iOS).
      • not suitable for storing large data.
      • no schema support nor ability to query data.
      • no data migration support.
      • poor performance.
  • Database/ORM (sqlite/Room/Core Data/Realm/etc):
    Based on a relational database. Perfect for large amounts of structured data that needs complex querying logic.
    • pros:
      • object–relational mapping support.
      • schema and querying support.
      • data migration support.
    • cons:
      • more complex setup.
      • insecure (wrapper libraries available on iOS/Android).
      • bigger memory footprint.
  • Custom/Binary (DataStore/NSCoding/Codable/etc):
    Handles storing and loading data on a low level. Works best when you need to customize the data storage pipeline.
    • pros:
      • highly customizable.
      • performant.
    • cons:
      • no schema/migration support.
      • lots of manual effort.
  • On-Device Secure Storage (Keystore/Key Chain):
    Use OS-encrypted storage for creating/storing encryption keys and key-value data.
    • pros:
      • secure (not 100% unless provided by the hardware).
    • cons:
      • not optimized for storing anything but encryption keys.
      • encryption/decryption performance overhead.
      • no schema/migration support.

Storage Location

  • Internal
    Sand-boxed by the app and not readable to other apps (with few exceptions).
  • External
    Publicly visible and most likely not deleted when your app is deleted.
  • Media/Scoped
    Special type of storage for media files.

Storage Type

  • Documents (Automatically Backed Up)
    User-generated data that cannot be easily re-generated and will be automatically backed up.
  • Cache
    Data that can be downloaded again or regenerated. Can be deleted by user to free-up space.
  • Temp
    Data that is only used temporary and should be deleted when no longer needed.

Best Practices

  • Store as little sensitive data as possible.
  • Use encrypted storage if you can't avoid storing sensitive data.
  • Do not allow your app storage grow uncontrollably. Make sure that cleaning up cached files won't affect app functionality.


You need to select a single approach after listing options and discussing their pros and cons. Don't worry about building a complete solution - just try to lay out a high-level idea without going too deep into details.
A possible breakdown for the "Design Twitter Feed" question might look like this:

Feed Pagination Table

Create a "feed" database table for storing paginated feed response:

item_id:        String
author_id:      String
title:          String
description:    String
likes:          Int
comments:       Int
attachments:    String # comma separated list
created_at:     Date   # also used for sorting
cursor_next_id: String # points to the next cursor page
cursor_prev_id: String # points to the prev cursor page
  • Limit the total number of entries to 500 in order to control local storage size.
  • Flatten attachments into a comma separated list. Alternatively, you can create an attachments table and join it with the feed table on item_id.
  • Explicitly store next/prev cursor id with each item to simplify paged navigation.

Attachments Storage

  • Store attachments as files in Internal Cached storage.
  • Use attachment URLs as cache keys.
  • Delete attachments after deleting corresponding items from the feed table.
  • Limit the cache size to 200-400 Mb.

A possible follow-up question might require you to handle sensitive media data (private accounts, etc). In this case, you can selectively encrypt image files with encryption keys stored in Keystore/KeyChain.

Providing the "signal"

The interviewer might be looking for the following signals:

  • The candidate is aware of mobile storage types, security, limitations, and compatibility.
  • The candidate is capable of designing a storage solution for most common scenarios.

Additional topics

Major Concerns For Mobile Development

Here's a list of concerns to keep in mind while discussing your solution with the interviewer:

  • User Data Privacy - leaking customer data can damage your business and reputation.
  • Security - protect your products against reverse-engineering (more important for Android).
  • Target Platform Changes - each new iOS/Android release may limit an existing functionality and make Privacy rules more strict.
  • Non-reversibility of released products - assume everything you ship is final and would never change. Make sure to use staged rollouts and server-side "feature" flags.
  • Performance/Stability
    • Metered data usage - cellular network traffic can be very expensive.
    • Bandwidth usage - constant waking up of the cellular radio results in a faster battery drain.
    • CPU usage - higher computational load results in a faster battery drain and device overheating.
    • Memory Usage - higher memory usage increases the risk of the app being killed in the background.
    • Startup Time - doing too much work at the app start creates a poor user experience.
    • Crashers/ANRs - doing too much work on the main thread can lead to app shutdowns and UI-jank. App crashes is the leading factor of poor store ratings.
  • Geo-Location Usage
    • Don't compromise user privacy while using location services.
    • Prefer the lowest possible location accuracy. Progressively ask for increased location accuracy if needed.
    • Provide location access rationale before requesting permissions.
  • 3rd-Party SDKs Usage
    • 3rd-Party SDKs might cause performance regressions and/or serious outages (example).
    • Each SDK should be guarded by a feature flag.
    • A new SDK integration should be introduced as an A/B test or a staged rollout.
    • You need to have a "support and upgrade" plan for the 3rd-party SDKs in a long term.

Privacy & Security

  • Keep as little of the user's data as possible - don't collect things you won't need.
    • Avoid collecting device IDs (prefer one-time generated pseudo-anonymous IDs).
    • Anonymize collected data.
  • Minimize the use of permissions
    • Be prepared for the user to deny permissions and respect the user's choice when they deny permission the second time.
    • Be prepared for the system to auto-reset permissions.
    • Be prepared for app hibernation of unused apps.
    • Delegate functionality to the 1st party apps (Camera, Photo Picker, File Manager, etc).
  • Assume that on-device storage is not secure (even while using KeyStore/KeyChain functionality).
  • Assume that the backend storage is also not secure - discussed possible end-to-end encryption mechanisms.
  • Assume that the target platform's (iOS/Android) Security & Privacy rules will change - make critical functionality controllable by remote "feature" flags.
  • User's perception of security is as important as the implemented security measures - make sure to discuss how you would educate your customers about data collection, storage, and transmission.

Cloud vs On-Device

At some point, during the interview, you might need to choose between running some functionality on a device and moving it to a cloud. The approach you select would have the biggest impact when it comes to On-Device AI but can also be extended to any kind of data processing as well.

Advantages of running things in a cloud:

  • Device-independent - your customers are not limited by the characteristics of their devices.
  • Better usage of client system resources - any intensive computation can be executed on the backend to save the device's battery.
  • The fast pace of changes - you don't need to release an update to all the clients in order to get the desired functionality available.
  • Much bigger computational resources - your backend can autoscale as the load pressure grows.
  • Better security - the client code can be tampered and reverse engineered while the backend applications tend to be more secure.
  • Easier analytics and offline data analysis - you gather all the data you need in your data centers.

Advantages of running things on a device:

  • Better privacy - the data does not leave the user's device and is not stored on the cloud.
  • Real-time functionality - certain operations can run much faster on a user's device than being sent to a backend.
  • Lower bandwidth usage - you don't need to send data over the network.
  • Offline functionality - the client does not need a persistent network connection to operate.
  • Lower backend usage - the load is split between all the clients and the backend.

Things you should never run on a device:

  • New "resource" creation - generating coupons, tickets, etc.
  • Transactions and Payment verification - unless it's delegated to a 3rd-party SDK.

Offline and Opportunistic State

Adding an Offline State ensures the app's usability without a network connection:

  • user can like/comment/delete tweets without having a network connection.
  • the UI gets updated "opportunistically" assuming that each request will be sent when the network goes back online.
  • the app should display cached results when possible.
  • the app properly notifies users about its Offline State
  • all state changes are batched and sent when the network goes back online.

Request de-duplication

The client should ensure that retrying the same request won't create a duplication resource on the server (idempotence). A possible workaround could involve unique client-side generated request identifiers and server-side de-duplication.

Synching Local and Remote States

A follow-up question might require you to properly handle state synchronization across multiple devices with the same account. Merge conflict resolution could be trickly. Below are a few possible solutions.

Local Conflict Resolution
A local device pulls the remote state from the backend after going online, merges it with the local state, and upload changes.


  • easy to implement


  • insecure - gives a local device authority over the backend.
  • won't solve the problem if multiple devices send their updates simultaneously (the last update "wins").
  • any changes in merging logic requires app update.

Remote Conflict Resolution
A local device sends its local state to the backend after going online, receives a new state, and overwrites the local state.


  • moves conflict resolution authority to the backend.
  • does not require client updates.


  • more complex backend implementation.

More Information



Quality Of Service

To make your system more energy-efficient you can introduce the Quality Of Service classes for your network operations. The implementation is quite tricky but you can discuss it on a higher level:

  • Limit the number of concurrent network operations (4-10). The number itself may depend on the device state (battery/wall charger, WiFi/cellular, doze/standby, etc).
  • Assign a Quality Of Service class to each of your network requests:
    • User-critical - should be dispatched as fast as possible: fetching the next page of data for the Tweet Feed; requesting Tweet Details.
    • UI-critical - should be dispatched after User-critical requests: fetching low-res thumb images for tweets on the Feed while scrolling. Canceled if the user scrolls past the target tweet. May be delayed in case of fast scrolling.
    • UI-non-critical: should be dispatched after UI-critical requests: fetching high-res images for tweets on the Feed. Canceled if the user scrolls past the target tweet. May be delayed in case of fast scrolling.
    • Background: should be dispatched after all the above is finished: posting "likes", analytics.
  • Introduce a priority queue for scheduling network requests: dispatch requests in the order of their priority. Suspend low-priority requests if the max number of concurrent operations is reached and a high-priority request is scheduled.

Resumable Uploads

A resumable (chunked) media upload breaks down a single upload request in three stages:

  • Upload initialization
  • Chunk bytes uploading (appending)
  • Upload finalization


Advantages of resumable uploads:

  • Allows you to resume interrupted data transfer operations without restarting from the beginning.

Disadvantages of resumable uploads:

  • An overhead from additional connections and metadata.

Note: Resumable uploads are most effective with large uploads (videos, archives) on unstable networks. For smaller files (images, texts) and stable networks, a single-request upload should be sufficient.

More Info:


Prefetching improves app performance by hiding the data transfer latency over slow and unreliable networks. The biggest concern while designing your prefetching solution is the increase in battery and cellular data usage. TBD

More Info:


There's a significant amount of randomness during a system design interview. The process and the structure can vary depending on the company and the interviewer.

Things you can control

  • Your attitude - always be friendly no matter how the interview goes. Don't be pushy and don't argue with the interviewer - this might provide a bad "signal".
  • Your preparation - the better your preparation is, the bigger the chance of a positive outcome. Practice mock design interviews with your peers (you can find people on Teamblind).
  • Your knowledge - the more knowledge you have, the better your chances are.
  • Your resume - make sure to list all your accomplishments with measurable impact.

Things you cannot control

  • Your interviewer's attitude - they might have a bad day or simply dislike you.
  • Your competition - sometimes there's simply a better candidate.
  • The hiring committee - they make a decision based on the interviewers' report and your resume.

Judging the outcome

You can influence the outcome but you can't control it. Don't let minor setbacks determine your self-worth.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know this approach works? Why is this necessary?

  • There's no guarantee that the suggested approach would work well in many cases - the structure of the system design round depends on a personal interviewer style.
  • Having a good interview plan at hand allows both the interviewer and the candidate to concentrate more on the content of the discussion and not organizational aspects of the actual round.

Can you go a bit deeper at X?

This is not necessary since there might be lots of alternative solutions and the guide does not provide the ground truth. The implementation details should depend on the personal experience of the candidate and not on an opinionated approach of some random people from the Internet.

I'm an interviewer - this ruins the process for all of us: now the candidates just memorize the solutions to cheat during the interview.

  • The system design is much more broad compared to coding rounds. Learning a particular solution is not nearly enough to be successful. The interviewer can slightly tweak the requirements to make it a brand new question.
  • It's really obvious when the candidate memorized a certain approach instead of relying on experience.
  • Learning some patterns and approaches before the interview might help the candidate to ease the stress and deliver the solution in a more clear and structured way.

Additional Information

More System Design exericses here!

Junior, Middle, Senior, and Staff level interviews

The system design experience would be different depending on the candidate's target level. An approximate engineering level breakdown can be found here.

NOTE: There's no clear mapping between years of experience and seniority - some ranges might exist but it largely depends on the candidate's background.

Junior engineers

The system design round of junior engineers is optional since it's pretty unlikely they would have experience designing software systems.

Middle level engineers

The middle-level engineering design round might be heavy on the implementation side. The interviewer and the candidate would mostly talk about building a specific component using platform libraries.

Senior level engineers

The senior-level engineering design round could be more high-level compared to the previous levels. The interviewer and the candidate would mostly talk about multiple components and how they communicate with each other. The implementation details could be less important unless the candidate needs to make a decision that drastically affects the application performance. The candidate should also be able to select a technical stack and describe its advantages and trade-offs.

Staff level engineers

The staff-level engineering design round moves away from technical to strategic decisions. The candidate might want to discuss the target audience, available computational and human resources, expected traffic, and deadlines. Instead of thinking in terms of implementation tasks - the candidate should put business needs first. For example, being able to explain how to reduce product time-to-market; how to safely rollout and support features; how to handle OMG situations and large-scale outages. The user privacy topics and their legal implications become extremely important and should be discussed in great detail.

Looking for more content?

System Design Exercises

Check out the collection of mobile system design exercises.

Common System Design Interview Mistakes

Check the guide here.

Mock Interviews

Check out the mock interview archive or sign-up to be a candidate yourself!

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