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kevindelord edited this page Mar 2, 2016 · 8 revisions

One Default Context

Since MagicalRecord 2.3 the logic around the NSManagedObjectContext did change quite a bit.

When working with Core Data, you will need to deal with NSManagedObjectContext.

Nicely, MagicalRecord initializes, provides and uses a default NSManagedObjectContext object throughout your app.

This default context operates on the main thread, and is great for simple, single-threaded apps.

All this means that if you want to retrieve an entity on the main thread you can directly call the MagicalRecord functions. The default context will be used:


This will be the same as:


Read the dedicated page to fetch entities between contexts.

Saving Contexts

All saving functions provided are executed on a background thread. This way, your database management will not impact the UI performance of your app.

Those functions provide a new NSManagedObjectContext. This context must be used to CRUD your entities. In the end this context will be saved ( or 'merge' ) into the default one.

TODO: picture

Manually create new contexts

In case you would like to create or manually deal with NSManagedObjectContext for non-main threads usage, please refer to the official documentation.