Cloned from original repo
Submission for HackRU Spring 2022
MonkeyStock is a two-stage application that assesses the sentiment that Twitter users have on stocks and subsequently buys and sells stock accordingly. The first stage generates a model based on Twitter users' sentiment on stocks and the second stage integrates the information from the first stage to optimize stock trading.
MonkeyStock was inspired by the titular primate, "Monkey," and the popular company ownership mode of trading, "Stock."
MonkeyStock creates a model from Twitter users' sentiment about stocks and then interprets information from the model to buy and sell stocks.
To build MonkeyStock, we first set up a Live Share session in Visual Studio Code so we could have a live, collaborative environment to add files and code to. We researched the necessary packages and tools for creating a model based on Twitter users' sentiments and then became monkeys. The rest is self-explanatory.
- Stringifying the data during data preprocessing
- Getting the stock list just as symbols through the IEX website
- Scraping tweets and storing them as .csv files compatible with the developed training model
- Successfully implementing the aforementioned challenges we ran into
Monkeys are incredibly proficient at trading stocks. Humans are incredibly inefficient at writing code.
Next, we will integrate real-life monkeys that buy and sell stock. Apes such as chimpanzees and gorillas will also be accepted. We are a non-discriminatory organization.
We Will Always be Apes: Return to Monke (Blog post by Kevin Feng)