A quick and useful Next.js template project with Tailwind already built in that can be used in future projects.
Next.JS is a hybrid static & server rendering, smart bundling, route pre-fetching react framework.
Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework packed with many classes that can be composed to build any design, directly in the markup.
You may use Windows, macOS, or Linux as your development operating system and the following tools:
Remind: The package dependencies of this project will be constantly updated by dependabot and might need a technical update .
This project was built using the following technologies:
To clone this project template simply execute the following command:
Remind: You must be on your project root directory
$ git clone github.com/kfbfarley/next-typescript-tailwind.git
After cloning the project you can start using tailwind features and the project is already up to date.
npm install
After installing all the modules you can try out the application by running the following command
npm run dev
Note: In case you find any problem, please open an issue.
Contributions are what make this platform an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Please feel free to visit the open issues section to propose or create a related issue.
This repository is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.
next-typescript-tailwind has no documentation, just this repository.