Functional state management for reactive apps.
It's highly recommended to read Redux overview first.
- Redux-thunk is already part of redux-cljs.
- Slightly different reducer's type signature.
- No middlewares and enhancers yet. I'm thinking of adding extensibility in next releases.
Add this dependency to your project.clj or build.boot:
[io.thdr/redux-cljs "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Version 0.1.0 will be available as soon as I write some docs and add more examples.
Reducer must be a pure function of action
which returns a function (also pure) of state
(def reducer
(fn [action]
(fn [state]
(case (:type action)
:inc-counter (update-in state [:counter] inc)
:dec-counter (update-in state [:counter] dec)
:reset-counter (assoc state [:counter] (:counter action))
There is a macro which makes adding reducers easier:
(require [thdr.redux-cljs.macros :as r])
(r/defreducer reducer [state data]
:inc (update-in state [:counter] inc)
:dec (update-in state [:counter] dec)
:reset (assoc state [:counter] (:counter data)))
Two or more reducers can be combined to one.
(require [ :refer [combine-reducers]])
(defreducer first-reducer [state _]
:first (assoc state :first "first"))
(defreducer second-reducer [state _]
:second (assoc state :second "second"))
(def reducer ;; which can be passed to `create-store`
(combine-reducers first-reducer second-reducer))
Action should be a map with :type
key or a function of state
(see redux-thunk)).
(def inc-action {:type :inc})
(def dec-action {:type :dec})
(defn reset-action [value]
{:type :reset
:counter value})
(require [ :refer [dispatch]]) ;; see below
;; useful for http requests and other stuff
(def thunk-action
(fn [state]
(dispatch state inc-action)
(js/setTimeout (clj->js #(dispatch state dec-action)) 1000))
(require [thdr.redux-cljs :refer [create-store
(def initial-state
{:counter 0})
;; After store is created it must subscribe to actions stream.
;; It is also possible to create a store with empty initial state:
;; (create-store reducer)
(def store
(-> (create-store initial-state reducer)
(dispatch store inc-action) ;; => state == {:counter 1}
(dispatch store dec-action) ;; => state == {:counter 0}
(dispatch store (reset-action 5) ;; => state == {:counter 5}
(dispatch store ;; => state == {:counter 6} ... and after 1 second
thunk-action ;; state == {:counter 5}
(unsubscribe store) ;; closes core.async chanels
There's currently an adapter for Rum only but it should be trivial to use cljs-redux with any react-based library based on atoms. Don't forget to call unsubscribe
on store in componentWillUnmount
in order to prevent memory leaks.
(ns rum-example.core
(:require [thdr.redux-cljs.rum :refer [redux-store]]
[ :refer [dispatch get-state] :as store]
[rum.core :as rum])
(:require-macros [thdr.redux-cljs.macros :refer [defreducer]]))
(def initial-state {:counter 0})
(def inc-action {:type :inc})
(def dec-action {:type :dec})
(defreducer reducer [state data]
:inc (update-in state [:counter] inc)
:dec (update-in state [:counter] dec))
(rum/defc counter-component < rum/cursored rum/cursored-watch [counter]
[:p (str "Counter is: " counter)])
(rum/defcs test-page < (redux-store initial-state reducer) [rum-state]
(let [store (::store/store rum-state)
counter (rum/cursor (get-state store [:counter]))]
(counter-component counter)
[:span {:on-click #(dispatch store inc-action)} "+"]
[:span {:on-click #(dispatch store dec-action)} "-"]]]))
(rum/mount (test-page) js/document.body)
To use redux-cljs with Reagent you should tell create-store
to use ratom
instead of plain Clojure atom
(require [reagent.core :as r])
(def store (create-store initial-state reducer :atom-fn #'r/atom))
- Validate actions with
- Add examples
- Write docstrings :)
- Test reagent
- Maybe add middlewares/enhances.
Copyright © 2016 Theodore Konukhov
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.