Small python script to send a command file to a serial device. I originally wrote this to send scripted commands to a serial-controlled tower light (in my case an ANDONT Stack LED USB Tower Light).
STEP 1: Install required modules (pyserial)
pip install -r requirements.txt
STEP 2: Populate your commands file. This could contain code such as:
#red flash on
cmd = [0xA0, 0x01, 0x01, 0xB3]
cmd = bytearray(cmd)
STEP 3: Execute the command, passing in the serial port and path to the commands file: COM4 cmds\
or /dev/ttyUSB0 cmds/
You can also pass in other parameters for specific serial port settings, use --help for a full list.
By no means am I a programmer and I'm brand new to Python... so beware - but hopefully this will help someone out with getting their own little project off the ground!