Just because we need a little Christmas bling
View all tasks here --> https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/1462924
- Eclipse (for development only)
- Gradle IDE Pack (for development only) If you already installed the previous Buildship one, I recommend this instead. It is faster to run from eclipse and has less bugs
- Gradle (for development only) Not necessary if you run gradle directly from CLI
- Java JDK 1.7
Final build is expected to compile into an all-in-one JAR with an embedded webserver
While no one really like to follow rules, let try to keep a few important ones to prevent the code base from becoming a mess
- Create a new branch when you start something new
- Follow the following convension
- feature-YourFeatureName
- bugfix-FeatureName-FixName
- Create a pull request when you're done with your work and I'll merge it in if there aren't any issues
- Please don't merge broken code
- Follow the following convension
- Comment your code as much as you can
- Especially if you program like Yoda
- Clone the project to your local evnironment
- Install all prerequsites (or use your existing ones)
- Open Eclipse (I'm using Mars) > File > Import
- Choose Gradle > Gradle Project
- Set the folder Lumitron as the project root > Click Build Model button (top right corner) > Select project > Finish
- Go to Window > Preference > Gradle > Set your Gradle home (I'm using v2.8)
- Under Gradle/Arguments > Set your Workspace JRE (I'm using 1.7.0_79)
- Go to Gradle EnIDE > Set your Gradle home and JAVA_HOME
- If its not already there, open the Gradle Tasks view at Window > Show View > Others. Select Gradle > Gradle Tasks
- You should be able to see all project tasks in the view. Double click tomcatRun to start the webserver
- If you are hardcore and like CLI interface, go to the project root and run
gradlew tomcatRun
Assuming that you have set gradle/bin in your path - A few other useful commands
- Stop the tomcat server (run from another terminal instance)clean
- To clean the build dirbuild
- To rebuild class fileswar
- Packages a WAR file into build/lib
- App is accessable at http://localhost:8080/Lumitron
- If you have eclipse project issues, go to the Gradle Tasks window abd run the eclipseClasspath task. E.g. If it complains it cannot find class or etc...
- Kingston Chan
- Christophe Michard
- Vadim Burlakin
- Wang Zhiyue