Make sure you have a suitable environment for kayBook to run
- Node installed
- make sure to have access the KayBook API
- a .env file with the value
- clone the repo
git clone
- run
npm install
oryarn install
- run
yarn build
oryarn watch
There are many page/views on KayBook including :
- Home
- Landing
- Signup / Signin
- Profile
- Social / dashboard
- Page
- Account
- Chatrooms
- Users can friend other users by sending them friend requests and blocking users.
- User can join a fangroup and post images, videos, questions and articles on the fanpage.
- Owners of the fanpage can post to the feed section of the fanpage.
- Owners of a fanpage can post their merchandise on the merch section of the fanpage.
- Users can start, invite, remove from and leave chat groups.