This project works with .NET 6 preview 4 SDK and higher along with the compiler tools.
- Global using statements: Developers can use the
keyword in using statements to indicate that the namespace should be imported everywhere in a project. The scope is limited to a project, so referencing between projects in unaffected. In this project, we use a.usings
file, but that's not a convention, just something I thought was fun and intuitive. - Const string interpolation: You can use string interpolation in constants as long as the values being interpolated are constants as well.
- Default Type deconstruction: You can now use the default keyword with Tuples types defined in parenthesis style.
- Lambda target typing: Lambda methods are automatically supported by
types, reducing the need for casts. - Record struct: Records can now be structs
record struct
to reduce allocations for memory sensitive applications.
> dotnet restore && dotnet run
Do what you like! If you mention or use this, I appreciate a follow on Twitter @buhakmeh.