Ceph is a distributed network storage and file system. It’s based on a reliable and scalable distributed object store calles RADOS. More about it here: ceph.newdream.net
Desperados is a Ruby wrapper for the C++ librados library, making interacting with a Ceph cluster in Ruby very easy.
require ‘rados’
Rados::initialize pool = Rados::Pool.create("mypool") pool.write("mykey", "somedata") pool.read("mykey") == "somedata"
require ‘rados’ Rados::initialize
pool = Rados::Pool.create(“mypool”) o = pool.objects.new(“mykey”) o.write(“Once upon”) o.write(“ a time”) o.seek(0) o.read == “Once upon a time” o = pool.objects.find(“mykey”) o.seek(5) o.read == “upon a time”
librados will read your ceph.conf config file to discover your cluster’s monitors, so that needs to be available (usually in ./ceph.conf or /etc/ceph/ceph.conf)
- Author
John Leach (john@johnleach.co.uk)
- Copyright
Copyright © 2010, 2011 John Leach
- License
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