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How to run Matcha πŸƒ

Khanh Du edited this page Oct 13, 2024 · 1 revision

This topic is a guideline to run Matcha

Step 1: Setup Docker

The project need to run with Keycloak and Swagger, so I recommend to setup and run with Docker container, if you already setup Keycloak and Swagger inside your local machine, you can skip this step.

You need to setup environment to run Docker, so there are many different ways to do it, depends on your OS, so I just show some ways here.

Option 1: Download Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop is good for any OS, like Window or MacOS, so just go to the Docker website to download and install it.

You can download Docker in the original link:

Install it and open Docker Desktop, register and login to your account. I use MacOS, so this is the Docker Desktop Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 08 59

Option 2: Download Rancher Desktop

Rancher Desktop is also a version which supported Docker, Rancher Desktop does not have many functions like Docker Desktop, some features are still in experimental state. But if you want to try it, you can download it in Rancher website:

My company is not allow me to use the Docker Desktop, so Rancher is another choice, not too good, but still ok. This is the Rancher Desktop screen:

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 15 52

Option 3: Set up WSL in Ubuntu/Linux

If you are using Ubuntu/Linux OS, you can setup WSL and config it to run Docker, I will not cover this here because it has a bit complicate, you can setup it by yourself with some research on the Internet.

Now, go to the next step.

Step 2: Setup .env file

Before run the project, we need to setup the .env file, you can create a new .env inside project root folder, and setup your configurations, also your credentials. .env is already declare in the .gitignore, so that file will be not push to Github. We do this for security purpose.

I already created a .env.sample inside project root folder, so you can use that structure, copy all the needed variable to your new .env file, then add yours configuration.

And example .env file:

# Postgres


# Swagger UI
URLS=[{ url: 'http://localhost:8081/product/v3/api-docs', name: 'Product'}]

# Start all service when run docker compose up

# ********************* #
# ********************* #
# Product

Ok, so the setup is almost done, ready to run the Matcha πŸƒ

Step 3: Run the Matcha πŸƒ

- Run Keycloak and Swagger

The project already has Keycloak and Swagger container setup in the docker-compose.yml, so you can open project with your IDE and run the docker-compose.yml first

I use IntelliJ here: Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 28 19

You open Terminal/Command Prompt inside the project folder which is depend on your OS, then run docker compose up to run the container

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 30 16

Then waiting for download the Keycloak, Swagger images and start the containers. This is the screen after container run successfully: Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 32 05

- Run sell-bff and product:

Now, you can go to the sell-bff module, then run SellBffApplication Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 34 01

Ok, now we almost done here, now you can run the service you want to run, I run product here for example: Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 35 24

- Check the swagger with APIs

Now you can open your browser: Microsoft Edges, Google Chrome,... and go to the link:


You can see the Swagger UI, with module Product on the top right corner Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 37 58

I already wrote an API POST Product here, so you can see it in the Swagger UI, if you have many different APIs here, you will be able to see them all.

  • To test the API, you click on the button Authorize
Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 40 54

Then, Authorize again, it will redirect you to another page to login, you can login with

username: admin
password: password
Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 41 08

The screen show you are logged in:

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 10 42 22

Ok, press close, and now everything is running, and you can test your API endpoint like using Postman,...

Hopefully, these documents will help you when running this project. Microservices systems are often complex and costly, and at times, you may feel overwhelmed, wondering, "Why do I need to run so many services just for a small feature?" However, this approach provides us with a wealth of new knowledge and valuable experience. Enjoy the journey! πŸƒ