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dropped testing for python <3.8 #1033

dropped testing for python <3.8

dropped testing for python <3.8 #1033

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a variety of Python versions
# For more information see:
name: Lint and test workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Install non-python dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y graphviz-dev
- name: Setup Python environment
uses: khanlab/actions/.github/actions/action-setup_task-installPyProject@v0.3.2
python-version: "3.9"
- name: isort
run: poetry run isort hippunfold/*.py -c
- name: Black
run: poetry run black hippunfold --check
- name: snakefmt
run: poetry run snakefmt hippunfold --check
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: ["quality"]
python-version: ["3.8", "3.9"]
- name: Install non-python dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y graphviz-dev
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Setup Python environments
uses: khanlab/actions/.github/actions/action-setup_task-installPyProject@v0.3.2
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
install-library: true
- name: Setup env for hippunfold
run: |
echo "HIPPUNFOLD_CACHE_DIR=`pwd`/test_data/hippunfold_cache_dir" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Test single T2w bids
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w test_out participant -np --modality T2w
- name: Test running on existing folder
run: |
mkdir test_newout
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w test_newout participant -np --modality T2w
- name: Test single T2w bids, right hemi
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w test_out participant -np --modality T2w --hemi R
- name: Test single T2w bids, left hemi
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w test_out participant -np --modality T2w --hemi L
- name: Test multiple T2w bids
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_multiT2w test_out participant -np --modality T2w
- name: Test T1w bids
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_T1w test_out participant -np --modality T1w
- name: Test hipp b500 bids
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_hippb500 test_out participant -np --modality hippb500
- name: Test T1w multi-session/longitudinal bids
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_T1w_longitudinal test_out participant -np --modality T1w
- name: Test single T2w multi-session/longitudinal bids
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w_longitudinal test_out participant -np --modality T2w
- name: Test manual seg T2w bids
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_segT2w test_out participant -np --modality segT2w
- name: Test cropseg bids, with path override
run: |
poetry run hippunfold . test_out participant -np --modality cropseg --path_cropseg test_data/data_cropseg/sub-{subject}_hemi-{hemi}_dseg.nii.gz
- name: Test cropseg bids, with path override, left hemi
run: |
poetry run hippunfold . test_out participant -np --modality cropseg --path_cropseg test_data/data_cropseg_1hemi/sub-{subject}_hemi-{hemi}_dseg.nii.gz --hemi L
- name: Test T2w with T1w template registration
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w test_out participant -np --modality T2w --t1_reg_template
- name: Test T2w with T1w output space
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w test_out participant -np --modality T2w --output_space T1w
- name: Test modality T2w with myelin map
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w test_out participant -np --modality T2w --generate-myelin-map
- name: Test modality T1w with myelin map
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_singleT2w test_out participant -np --modality T1w --generate-myelin-map
- name: Test modality T1w with magdeburg atlas
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_T1w test_out participant -np --modality T1w --atlas magdeburg
- name: Test modality T1w with freesurfer atlas
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_T1w test_out participant -np --modality T1w --atlas freesurfer
- name: Test modality T1w with bigbrain and freesurfer atlas
run: |
poetry run hippunfold test_data/bids_T1w test_out participant -np --modality T1w --atlas bigbrain freesurfer