Feastr is a recipe app in which a user can create, save, share and search recipes within the Feastr community.
- MongoDB
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Cloudinary for uploading user and recipe photos
- Passport for easy login via Google
- Additional Dependencies:
- Mongoose
- Express
- Bcrypt
- Flash Message
Utilized Figma to wireframe all pages of Feastr app with a mobile-first approach to design. Responsive design accross devices (mobile, tablet, desktop)
Form pages (new user, edit profile, new recipe, edit recipe, etc.)
Grid pages (all recipes, saved recipes, created recipes, community)
We utilized a two model approach in which users are able to create, edit, and delete their own recipes while having the ability to view, save, and unsave other community members' recipes.
- A working full-stack application, built by you, using Node.js, Mongoose, Express and EJS
- Adhere to the MVC file structure: Models, Views, Controllers
- A User model with functioning registration, log-in, and log-out abilities.
- At least one non-User model with all 7 RESTful routes and full CRUD.
- Your non-User model is connected to the User that created it
- A git repository not inside the class repo.
- At least one GitHub commit per day.
- Be deployed online and accessible to the public via Heroku.
- Utilization of EJS Partials
- Implementation of Cloudinary to upload and edit user and recipe photos
- Connected Passport to utilize Google login via gmail
Future stretch goals include implementing and seeding API data, adding search functionality for a more robust recipe application, and cloudinary's image cropping solution. Styling updates include enhancing photo ratio on community grid, displaying individual recipes from grid to flexbox.
- Branislav Todorovic: Led responsibilities across all back-end development. Managed schemas and models of both users and recipes. Co-created and managed all RESTful routes creation and implementation. Took ownership of deployment of Feastr recipe app via Heroku. Collaborated on implementation of the following APIs - Cloudinary and Passport.js.
- Kelly Hodges: Supervised all back-end development responsibilities. Took ownership of the creation of user and recipe schemas and models. Managed and co-created all RESTful routes across all controllers - User, Recipe and Home. Oversaw implementation of Cloudinary API, Passport.js and deployment of application on Heroku.
- Vickie Vien: Managed all front-end development responsibilities from wireframing Feastr pages with Figma, coding, implementing and rendering all ejs files with a mobile-first approach, creating logo and favicon, applying partials accross all views, ensuring responsiveness across all devices (mobile, tablet, desktop), and styling of all pages with interactivity where necessary for a better user experience.