demand generation
- Create parameters in config.ini like:
city = MyCity
name = mycity_300_mindist250
num_requests = 30000
save_shp = False
- run from command line:
pytnon3 demand_generation my_city_30
Parameters' meaning:
- city - str, name of the city; used to download map by osmnx.
- name - str, name of instance; added to output directory
- inputDir - str, directory with input files (nodes.csv, edges.csv).
- outputDir - str, output directory for results.
- numRequests - int, number of trips in the instance
- peaks - peak hours separated by ';'. End and start of the peak are separated by comma. Ex: 6, 8; 15, 17
- minDistance - float, minimum Euclidean distance between the origin and the destination
- avgDistance - float, average distance
- clusterSize - float, size of cluster, km2
- crsGeo - int, initial crs
- crsMetric - int, crs for metric projection
- unusedRoads - str, forbidden osm tags for nodes used in demand generation. (nodes are kept in the graph.)
- saveShapefiles - bool, save shapefiles
(Don't use quotation marks for strings in .ini.
All values are read as
strings and parsed inside the script.)