Simple parser for loading basic information about track points from .gpx files. Inside the gpx tag parser only extracts trk, trkseg, and trkpt tags. All other tags are ignored. Resulting GPX structure is a container with track list. Each track is in it's turn a list of segments, and segment is a list of track points, the leaf elements of the structure. GPX, GPXTrack, an GPXTrackSegment support most of the list methods.
Python 3.4 or higher
Typing 3.6.2
import gpx_parser as parser
with open('file_name', 'r') as gpx_file:
gpx = parser.parse(gpx_file)
print("{} tracks loaded".format(len(gpx)))
for track in gpx:
print('Track with {} segments and {} points'.
format(len(track), track.get_points_no()))
for segment in track:
print('Segment with %s points % len(segment))
for point in segment:
gpx.tracks # list of tracks
gpx.version # str or None
gpx.creator # str or None
gpx.points # list of all points from all tracks
len(gpx)) # number of tracks in gpx
gpx.get_points_no() # total number of points in all segments of all tracks
gpx[0] # 0th track, same as gpx.tracks[0]
gpx[1:3] # = gpx.tracks[1:3]
gpx.contains(track) # = gpx.tracks.contains(track)
gpx.append(track) # = gpx.tracks.append(track)
gpx.extend(tracks) # = gpx.tracks.extend(tracks)
gpx.remove(track) # = gpx.tracks.remove(tracks)
gpx.clone() # returns deepcoopy of the object
gpx.to_xml() # str, point with xml tags
gpx.length_2d() # total 2d distance of the track
gpx.get_bounds() # min and max latitude and logitude
gpx.get_time_bounds() # start and end time
gpx.walk() # generator, yields (point, track_num, segment_num, point_num) # str or None
track.number # int or None
track.segments # list of all segments in the track
track.points # list of all points from all segments
len(track) # number of segments in the track
track[0] #
track[::2] # shorcuts for
track.contains(segment) # track.segments
track.append(segment) #
track.extend(segmengs) #
track.remove(segment) #
track.to_xml() #
track.length_2d() # same as for gpx
track.get_bounds() #
track.get_time_bounds() #
track.get_points_no() #
track.clone() #
track.get_duration() # float, duration of track in seconds
track.remove_empty() # removes empty segments from the track
seg.points # list of points in the segment
len(seg) #
seg[0] #
seg[::2] # shortcuts for
seg.contains(segment) # seg.points
seg.append(segment) #
seg.extend(segmengs) #
seg.remove(segment) #
seg.to_xml() #
seg.length_2d() # same as for gpx
seg.get_bounds() #
seg.get_time_bounds() #
seg.get_points_no() #
seg.clone() #
seg.get_duration() # float, duration of track in seconds
seg.remove_empty() # removes empty segments from the track
point.distance_2d(other_point) # distance in meters
point.time_difference(other_point) # time in seconds, or None, if one of the points doesn't have time attribute.
point.speed_between(other_point) # speed, i m/s, or None, if one of the points doesn't have time attribute.