News website made with Next.js.
: this is where the core logic of app resides. It is totally devoid of infrastructure concerns/pages
: all of Novas' pages. those are statically generated using Next.js/components
: React components used in/pages
: this is the logic of fetching articles from an API resides. I am using NewsAPI but this is easily swappable/scripts
: better explained below/api
: this is the back-end of app. it's simple: it only contains an end-point that allows you to search for a certain article given a title
: fetches all the categories using NewsAPI, and then saves them to a JSON file.saveImages
: for each article, fetch its headline image, and save it
- More styling for each category's index page
- Make the domain a bit more expressive (add parsers, etc.)
None! 😄