Upgrade react native version using rn-diff-purge repo
yarn global add rn-upgrade
or does not need to do anything if using npx
npx rn-upgrade ...
rn-upgrade [project path, default: current folder] --version <version>
rn-upgade --help
usage: upgrade [-h] [--source SOURCE] [--version VERSION] [--diff DIFF]
React Native upgrade tool using rn-diff-purge
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
--source SOURCE Project folder path, default current folder
--version VERSION, -v VERSION
Specific version to upgrade/downgrade
--diff DIFF Specific diff file (with rn-diff-purge repo) to patch
(--version/-v option will be ignore
--test If true, there is no file change
rn-upgade --version 0.59.9
rn-upgade --diff https://raw.githubusercontent.com/react-native-community/rn-diff-purge/diffs/diffs/0.61.5..0.59.9.diff
translate --help
usage: translate [-h] [-v] [-to-csv] [--scan] [-a STRING1 STRING2 ...]
[--csv CSV_FILE] [-i] [--to LOCALE] [--alias ALIAS]
[--lang-file LANGFILE] [--test]
React Native locale tool
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program's version number and exit.
-to-csv Export language file to csv
--scan Scan string in project to export to locale file
-a STRING1 STRING2 ..., --add STRING1 STRING2 ...
Search for specific strings and export to locale file
--csv CSV_FILE Import strings from csv file and export to locale
file, default is <package name>.csv
-i , --import import from csv, specific by --csv option
--to LOCALE translate origin locale strings to specific locale,
ex: zh-CN
--alias ALIAS alias import instead of path import
--lang-file LANGFILE language file, if doesn't specific, we will search
--test if true, script will show all results without doing
any change
translate --scan --alias '$res/strings'
Want to contribute? Please email me or send me a pull request
👤 kida7 (kida7kahp@gmail.com)
- Github: @kida7
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