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This is the backend project for kuserver app

Install dependencies

docker-compose run web npm i

To start server local you will have to run

docker-compose up

or to easy debug the server you can run two commands in different tabs

docker-compose up mongo worker redis
npm run start-local

you will have to save all variables for server development.env file it you start with start-local command.

Add a user

You need to add first user via cli, easy to do

docker-compose run web ./app/bin/add-user

Or just in bash



While on admin development process, you will have to add your IP to to be able to login as admin.

Run migrations

To run a migration you will need to get a shell to a running web container. Firs to get a list of containers run

kubectl get pods

Select any web pod from the list. To get a shell run

kubectl exec -it <name-of-web-pod> -- /bin/bash

And after entering the shell, run the migration script

node app/bin/migrations/<migration-version>.js

or for local environment

docker-compose run web node app/bin/migrations/<migration-version>.js

or with this command if you need environment file

node -r dotenv/config ./app/bin/migrations/<migration-version>.js dotenv_config_path=development.env

Migration version should consist the package.json version

Deploy to production on GCP

Download values.yaml from secret place

Attention: version in values.yaml (in root) should match with version in TAG= command


* install [docker](
* install [gcloud](
* install Python@2.7
* on windows install [chocolatey]( as package manager for next steps
* install [kubernetes]( - manage everything
* install [helm]( - DRY, pass variables to *yaml* configs
* `kubectl apply -f ./charts/kube-setup/tiller-sa.yaml`
* `helm init --upgrade --service-account tiller`
* `helm install --name cert-manager --namespace cert-manager stable/cert-manager`
* if this is your first time of working on GCP with combination of docker, run this command: `gcloud auth configure-docker`
* `gcloud auth login`
* `gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID`
* [create]( cluster in GCP or connect to the existed one with: `gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster> --zone <zone> --project <project>` - this can be found in GCP in `kubernetes clusters`, tab after pressing `Connect` button
* You need to be `owner` on gcloud to run next commands
* Wait few seconds
* For the first time proceed `cert-manager` step

If changes in code (TAG here should match with tag in values.yaml)

export TAG=<environment>-<yyyy-mm-dd>v<version during the current day>
./docker/build-prod && ./docker/push-prod

For example, TAG can be "test-2020-03-28.v.1"

If changes in configurations of Test server:

helm upgrade -i kuserver-test ./charts/kuserver-server/ -f values-test.yaml

To ease the work with git add tag after each exported tag

 git tag -a <yyyy-mm-dd>f<version during the current day> -m "<yyyy-mm-dd>f<version during the current day>"
 git push --tags

If this is the first time you create the app you will need to install certificates

Documentation about cert-manager:

To get a service-account.json file follow this steps

Then add the service-account key to GCloud secrets with

OR from a terminal

gcloud iam service-accounts create ${ROBOT} \
--display-name=${ROBOT} \
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./${ROBOT}.key.json \
--iam-account=clouddns@${DNS} \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${DNS} \
--member=serviceAccount:${ROBOT}@${DNS} \

Download you service-account key to the computer and add it to GCloud secrets. You will user it in certificates manifest

kubectl create secret generic clouddns \
--from-file=./clouddns.key.json \

If you setup mailer for the first time

echo "export SENDGRID_API_KEY=<SENDGRID_API_KEY>" > sendgrid.env
echo "sendgrid.env" >> .gitignore
source ./sendgrid.env

Firebase cloud Functions

All firebase cloud functions and setup are located in /app/bin/firebase directory. To update the cloud functions of firebase you will have to install firebase-tools util global

npm install -g firebase-tools

cd to firebase directory and run next command

firebase deploy --only functions


If you are experiencing problems with GCloud access, like could not find default credentials, try to set local environment variable with

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="./clouddns.key.json"

This variable only applies to your current shell session, so if you open a new session, set the variable again.

To remove all previously built images from your system, you can run next command

docker images -a | grep "kuserver" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi


Kubernetes demo server template






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