Releases: kikoseijo/klaravel
Releases · kikoseijo/klaravel
New v2 - with embedded documentation
Fast and Simple Scaffold (Laravel 5.6 & PHP7.1)
New features
- Added Spatie Laravel Backups with views and routes and middleware.
- Added Spatie Activitylogs with corresponding views, routes and middleware.
- Added views components, layout and table helpers.
- Added ActiveScope Trait for boolean model attrs.
- Crud creation can now be run without Contrats.
- BaseKrudController now has all visible methods using custom view templates.
- Scaffold its now completed, your job its to create tables and forms.
New dependencies
- anahkiasen/former
- jenssegers/date
- spatie/laravel-activitylog
- spatie/laravel-backup
No longer included dependencies
- kevupton/ethereal