This is a tool built to help with Kill Bill client APIs and Jruby conversion layer for ruby plugins. The tool takes as an input some java src directory/files and translate those into the desired format.
It currently supports the following:
- JRUBY_PLUGIN_API : Transformation for model and API classes required in the killbill-plugin-framework-ruby repo.
- RUBY_CLIENT_API : Transformation for ruby models required for the ruby client library
The tool is made out of:
- A parser that understands java grammar and allow to parse Kill Bill java files
- A specific generator for the desired output.
java -cp target/killbill-java-parser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.ning.killbill.KillbillParser --help
* -x, --classGeneratorExcludeFilter
A optional filter list of java packages for the parser
Default: []
* -d, --debug
Turn on debug traces
Default: false
* -i, --input
The input file/jar/directory for the java sources to prase
Default: []
* -m, --mode
The generator mode
* -o, --output
The output directory for the objects created
* -q, --packageGeneratorIncludeFilter
A optional filter list of java packages for the parser
Default: []
* -p, --packageParserIncludeFilter
A optional filter list of java packages for the parser
Default: []
* -t, --target
The target generator
-d, --debug
To generate types for the PHP client in an output directory:
$ java -cp target/killbill-java-parser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.ning.killbill.KillbillParser -i file://[PATH_TO_KILLBILL_REPO]/jaxrs/src/main/java/org -o ./output -t PHP_CLIENT_API -p org.killbill.billing.jaxrs.json