The House Garden app is a ecommerce app for plants, where users can browse different types of plants and things related to nursery, filter them according to price or rating or types, view products, add to wishlist or to cart, and finally enter address and pay the amount, you can also check order history too.
Frontend Url ->
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Frontned: Reactjs
Styling: Styled Components, Ant Design and CSS
Payment Gateway: Razorpay
Authentication and Authorisation: JWT and ByCryptJS
Backend: Node and Express js
Database: MongoDB
Main Page
Register Page
Single Product Page with About and Review sections
WishList Product Page
Cart Product Page
Address page with Payment Gateway
Order History Page
- Main Page with all the product listed, with different ypes of filter like categories, price limit and rating
- A SearchBar with auto suggestion and sorting feature, also user if logged in can add product to wish list.
- Single page for product with their details, user can select quantity and add to cart
- A wishlist page where user can see its favourite products,
- Cart page with all products displayed, where user can remove product he didnt wish to order and a price summary section, user can add the address and then pay using razorpay payment gateway
- After ordering, user can check its history and can cancel the current orders.
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