Simple discord bot to open CSGO cases, show crypto prices, show stock prices, show corona stats, basic gambling and much more to come.
Deverobots official website is There you can checkout our official discord and invite the bot to your own discord server.
If you dont feel like visiting the website, here is the Discord bot invite link:
Invite bot
- postmeme -- (also: 'meme') - posts a random meme from subscribed subreddits
- listreddits -- (also: 'listsubreddits') - lists currently subscribed subreddits
- cryptoprice -- (also: 'crypto', 'btc', 'eth', 'xrp') - lists current cypto prices
- stock -- (also: 'stockprice') - takes one argument in the form of stock symbol
- corona -- (also: 'coronastats', 'covid', 'pandemic') - list corona stats from given country
- gamble -- (also: 'dice') - takes on argument, gamble away your hard earned points
- balance -- (also: 'wallet', 'money', 'currency', 'bal') show current balance
- beg -- (also: 'moneypls') - begs for balance
- listcases -- (also: 'caselist', 'csgocases') - Lists all available CSGO cases you can open
- case -- (also: 'open', 'opencase') Opens a CSGO case
- info -- (also: 'botinfo', 'github', 'roadmap') shows bot info and relevant links
- suggestion -- (also: 'suggestions', 'feature') suggest new features to be added to the bot
- vote -- (also: 'botvote') help upvote bot to gain exposure 🥳
And much more to come
To contribute to the project, either create an issue or fork the repo and then follow the commit standard and make a PR. Or join the discord to talk about the feature you want to add or the issue you've encountered.
When commiting to the repo its important to write commit messages that follow our convention, we even have a pre-commit hook that wont let you commit if you dont follow the convention.
Since we manage versions with semantic-release we use prefixes to handle the semantic versioning when a build is triggered.
Here is an example taken from semantic-release's README.
Commit message | Release type |
fix(pencil): stop graphite breaking when too much pressure applied | Patch Release |
feat(pencil): add 'graphiteWidth' option | Minor Feature Release |
perf(pencil): remove graphiteWidth option | Major Release |
BREAKING CHANGE: The graphiteWidth option has been removed |
To not trigger a build at all, add [ci skip] to your commit message.
You can also use other prefixes that will trigger a build but not an official release. These commands can be:
- 'chore'
- 'docs'
- 'revert'
- 'style'
and many more.
Since we dont really want to publish this bot to NPM we use the plugin @semantic-release/git
You can read more about commit message conventions over at commitlint:
Check out our Kanban for in progress and upcoming features. If something is missing, feel free to create an issue, a PR or use the suggestions command!