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Conway's Game Of Life implemented with the Dioxus framework

An example implementation of Conway's game of life using the Dioxus framework, adapted from the rust wasm tutorial.

The code from the original tutorial is about 50% Rust, 50% JavaScript. With the Dioxus framework the code is 100% Rust.


  • 1.x: Works on web only, uses canvas for rendering
  • 2.x: Works on web or desktop, uses SVG for rendering

Desktop App

Game of Life


Game of Life


  • A Dioxus web/desktop app written completely in Rust.
  • Frame animation using request_animation_frame() and abstracting to a Dioxus use_state hook.
    • Limited by the frame rate of the monitor.
    • A FramesPerSecond component that displays the current frames per second.
  • Version 1.x
    • Building a component from a 2d HTML canvas.
    • Using using Dioxus' onmount event to get an element (similar to react's use_ref)
  • Version 2.x
    • How to create a Dioxus app that works with both desktop and web
      • Use use_eval() to get access to the DOM
      • Don't use canvas (svg instead)
      • Access to precise system time
      • Generating random numbers
    • Use of SVG to draw grid and cells
      • Use view_port to set coordinate systems to simplify coding
        • Cell grid's units are pixels
      • Create a grid using patterns with major and minor grid lines

Install and run

  • Install the rust development environment:
  • Install the dioxus CLI: cargo install dioxus-cli
  • Install the wasm target for rust: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  • clone this repository: git clone
  • cd dioxus-game-of-life
  • Version 2.0:
    • Desktop: dx serve --platform=desktop --features=desktop
    • Web: dx serve --platform=web --features=web
  • Version 1.0
    • Run in debug mode with the dioxus cli: dx serve --platform=web
    • Point your browser at: http://localhost:8080


Defines a GameOfLifeGrid component that renders the game of life (with several control buttons), and a FramesPerSecond component which shows how many frames per seconds are being rendered (which depends on the monitor frame rate).

This is stitched together using a use_animation_frame() hook that returns a frame_id which can be used to trigger use_effect calls to render each frame (for the grid, and frames per second). Also returns frames_running, which can be set false or true to stop or start the frames.


Game of life example using the dioxus rust framework







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