A simple stock application that supports CRUD operations
- registers stocks from nasdaq and kospi
- show historical daily/weekly/monthly prices/volume/high/low/open/close
- apply indicators on the registered stocks
- collation of indicators added
- applies heuristic that uses these indicators as variables
- dependent on the
- scale(monthly,weekly/daily)
- number of overlapping indicators at a given price point that suggest strong resistance/support
- information of important price points to consider.
reason for creation
- because i am lazy to look at my stock app all the time
- because i am tired to working out what are the important price points according to the indicators added
한국어 ver
- 나스닥과 한국거래소에 존재하는 주식 등록
- 과거 일/주/월봉 데이터를 지님
- 등록된 주식에 지표 적용
- 지표 데이터 취합 후
- 각 지표 데이터를 변수로 사용하는 휴리스틱을 적용.
휴리스틱 추가 변수
- 지표가 어떤 데이터를 통해 생겼는지(월간/주간/일간)
- 주어진 가격대에서 몇 개의 지표가 강한 지지/저항을 뜻하는지
P.S - because i use the free version of TradingView which already has these features