This is a school project aiming to develop a CRUD REST API and mobile-first frontend interface with Node.js, Express and React. Feel free to help or use (non commercially) AFTER MAY 20th, 2023.
Non authenticated users can only access index, about, rules, the games list. Authenticated users can access index, about, rules, the games list (with games with a 'public' status only), games details, create/update/delete games, characters, messages or images for their avatar/games/characters. Admin accounts can read, create, update and delete everything.
- Role Mates
- Requirements
- Getting started
- Work remaining
- [Questions] (#questions)
- References
- yarn
- node.js
- mongoDB
- Clone the repository.
- Create your own MongoDB database.
- Fill-in your own .env file in /rm-back - follow the instructions in the comments.
- Fill-in your own .env file in /rm-front - each variable must start with REACTAPP or won't be recognized by the app.
- Launch the web API
pushd rm-back
yarn install
yarn run dev
- Launch frontend application
pushd rm-front
yarn install
yarn run start
you may need to refresh page so user disconnection is taken into account in the front app otherwise page display doesn't always update correctly
- Follow the Getting started steps.
- Create your own branch.
- You are not allowed to merge directly your code onto the master of frontdev branches. If you want to help please make a merge request and feel free to contact me.
- Must know:
- You can find the necessary .env structures in /rm-back/.env.structure and /rm-front/.env.structure and add your own settings to them.
- Frontend:
- Each component / page and their specific styles are stored in their own file. You can also add the site's global styling by using @use '<path_to_global_style>' as *; at the start of your style sheet.
- If you want to use new eva-icons, you must use the specific syntax of react eva icons and not the usual icon tag.
temporarily deactivated auth middleware in all routes to make frontend work easier
- Do
- Add remaining logic of me route (need to fetch the corresponding data from userprofile component form through api service to backend /me route)
- Fix
- Test auth and adminOnly middlewares
- Improve
- handle sessions
- handle jwt token renewal
- allow to update / delete data only if owner (to check in route or controller if not already done)
- allow to display games details (participants, messages) only to specified game members if the game's status is private (same for characters and messages?)
- add a logout functionality
Add handmade warning alert when user credentials are wrong
Update / Delete account (& add image to user profile !) Update / Delete Games / Messages / Characters
fetch API to Read /Create / Update / Delete
add authContext
Game details: Owner, Characters Messages
users list see one user (and links to user profile from character / message / game)
Social Login
Contact form
Improve style and add desktop version
- createCharacter component: life does not update correctly
- refactor services
- refactor createCharacter component
¤ Reorder components directories with categories: alerts, auth, user, char... so it is easier to find the components devs need if other people contribute.
¤ Add a global modal in app that can be toggled with success message & link to next page VS alert message & link to home/signup and that covers the screen (so users can't do something else) - use a context to handle this.
¤ On Characters page add a button "see my characters" (will hide others' characters) / in general setting hide non-public characters / add sorting tools (date / reverse date / alphabet / reverse alphabet).
¤ Add security before removal of games and characters (ask password again or ask to type a sentence).
¤ Add honey pot on signup form (hidden field, if filled it's a robot so deny request to db).
¤ Add a signout function.
¤ Add a delete image function for users and admins/mods.
¤ Life can be edited by owner player and Game Master on characters' cards. Players can add / edit statistics and powers on their characters.
¤ Sort getAll results alphabetically / by date (and reversed in both cases)
¤ Users and admins/mod can delete and update images and messages
¤ fix desktop responsive
¤ add search bar (users, games, themes)
¤ add a voting system on characters / games (stars or thumb) - and add sorting them by grades / reversed grades
¤ About icons install and syntax: ¤ Icons library: ¤ Optimizing images tools for web projects: ¤ About CORS parameters: (in /rm-back/index.js)
RoleMates is under the GNU GPL 3 License.
Main informations about this licence are: ¤ Permissions: Commercial use, distribution, modification, patent use, private use. ¤ Conditions to use: Disclose source, License and copyright notice, Network use is distribution, Same license, State changes. ¤ Limitations: Liability, Warranty.