Run in project root:
docker build -f Dockerfile_streamlit -t streamlit_skyhacks3:latest .
The command below will run a Streamlit app in the background (as a deamon):
docker run -p 80:8501 -d streamlit_skyhacks3:latest
Now you can access the Streamlit app from the browser at the <localhost or server IP>:8501
To stop the container run:
docker stop `docker ps -qf "ancestor=streamlit_skyhacks3:latest"`
A convenient starting template for most deep learning projects. Built with PyTorch Lightning and Weights&Biases (wandb).
conda create --name hack_env
conda activate hack_env
which python
for %i in (python.exe) do @echo. %~$PATH:i
Expected result: PATH_TO_CONDA/envs/ENV_NAME/bin/python
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
git clone
cd hackathon-template
pip install -r requirements.txt
- If you are not using GPU (CUDA incompatible GPU) you may need to specify the number of GPUs manually instead of leaving the default
num_of_gpus: 0
Useful pl.Trainer() parameters:
- gpus=-1 - use all gpus available on your machine
- accumulate_grad_batches=5 - perform optimisation after accumulating gradient from 5 batches
- accumulate_grad_batches={5: 3, 10: 20} - no accumulation for epochs 1-4. accumulate 3 for epochs 5-10. accumulate 20 after that
- auto_scale_batch_size='power' - automatically find the largest batch size that fits into memory and is power of 2 (requires calling trainer.tune(model, datamodule))
- check_val_every_n_epoch=10 - run validation loop every 10 training epochs
- val_check_interval=0.25 - check validation set 4 times during a training epoch
- fast_dev_run=True - runs 1 train, val, test batch and program ends (great for debugging)
- min_epochs=1 - force training for at least these many epochs
- overfit_batches=0.01 - use only 1% of the train set (and use the train set for val and test)
- overfit_batches=10 - use only 10 batches of the train set (and use the train set for val and test)
- limit_train_batches=0.25 - run through only 25% of the training set each epoch
- limit_val_batches=0.25
- limit_test_batches=0.25
- precision=16 - set tensor precision (default is 32 bits)
- gradient_clip_val=0.5 - gradient clipping value (0 means don’t clip), helps with exploding gradient issues
- profiler=SimpleProfiler() - print execution time info for each method used
- weights_summary='full' - print model info
- amp_backend='apex' - apex backend for mixed precision training
PyTorch Lightning Bolts is official collection of prebuilt models across many research domains:
Pre-trained pytorch model repository designed for research exploration:
List of all tools in PyTorch ecosystem: