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The Terraform provider for Kion allows you interact with the Kion API using the Terraform HCL language. Our provider supports creating, updating, reading, and deleting resources. You can also use it to query for resources using filters even if a resource is not created through Terraform.

Getting Started

Below is sample code on how to create an IAM policy in Kion using Terraform.

First, set your environment variables:

export KION_URL=

Next, paste this code into a file:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    kion = {
      source  = "kionsoftware/kion"
      version = "0.3.20"

provider "kion" {
  # If these are commented out, they will be loaded from environment variables.
  # url = ""
  # apikey = "key here"

# Create an IAM policy.
resource "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {
  name         = "sample-resource"
  description  = "Provides AdministratorAccess to all AWS Services"
  aws_iam_path = ""
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups { id = 1 }
  policy = <<EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "*",
            "Resource": "*"

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "policy_id" {
  value =

Then, run these commands:

# Initialize the project.
terraform init

# Show the plan.
terraform plan

# Apply the changes.
terraform apply --auto-approve

You can now make changes to the file and then re-run the apply command to push the changes to Kion.

Importing Resource State

This provider does support importing state for resources. You will need to create the Terraform files and then you can run commands like this to generate the terraform.tfstate so you don't have to delete all your resources and then recreate them to work with Terraform:

# Initialize the project.
terraform init

# Import the resource from your environment - this assumes you have a module called
# 'aws-cloudformation-template' and you are importing into a resource you defined as 'AuditLogging'.
# The '20' at the end is the ID of the resource in Kion.
terraform import 20

# Verify the state is correct - there shouldn't be any changes listed.
terraform plan

Sample Commands

Below is a collection of sample commands when working with the Terraform provider.


A few of the optional fields are commented out.

# Create an IAM policy.
resource "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {
  name = "sample-resource"
  # description  = "Provides AdministratorAccess to all AWS Services"
  # aws_iam_path = ""
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups { id = 1 }
  policy = <<EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "*",
            "Resource": "*"

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "policy_id" {
  value =
# Create a CloudFormation template.
resource "kion_aws_cloudformation_template" "t1" {
  name    = "sample-resource"
  regions = ["us-east-1"]
  # description = "Creates a test IAM role."
  # region                 = ""
  # sns_arns               = ""
  # template_parameters    = ""
  # termination_protection = false
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups { id = 1 }
  policy = <<EOF
    "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
    "Description": "Creates a test IAM role.",
    "Metadata": {
        "VersionDate": {
            "Value": "20180718"
        "Identifier": {
            "Value": "blank-role.json"
    "Resources": {
        "EnvTestRole": {
            "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
            "Properties": {
                "RoleName": "env-test-role",
                "Path": "/",
                "Policies": [],
                "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
                    "Statement": [
                            "Effect": "Allow",
                            "Principal": {
                                "Service": [
                            "Action": [
  tags = {
    Owner      = "jdoe"
    Department = "DevOps"

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "template_id" {
  value =
# Create an external compliance check.
resource "kion_compliance_check" "c1" {
  name                     = "sample-resource"
  cloud_provider_id        = 1
  compliance_check_type_id = 1
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups { id = 1 }
  #   body = <<EOF
  # {
  #     "Version": "2012-10-17",
  #     "Statement": [
  #         {
  #             "Effect": "Allow",
  #             "Action": "*",
  #             "Resource": "*"
  #         }
  #     ]
  # }
  # EOF

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "check_id" {
  value =
# Create a compliance standard.
resource "kion_compliance_standard" "s1" {
  name               = "sample-resource"
  created_by_user_id = 1
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups { id = 1 }

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "standard_id" {
  value =
# Create a label.
resource "kion_label" "env_staging" {
  key   = "Environment"
  value = "Staging"
  color = "#FFA601"
# Create a cloud rule.
resource "kion_cloud_rule" "cr1" {
  name        = "sample-resource"
  description = "Sample cloud rule."
  aws_iam_policies { id = 1 }
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups { id = 1 }

  #labels = {
  #  (kion_label.env_staging.key) = kion_label.env_staging.value
  #  "Owner" = "jdoe"

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "rule_id" {
  value =
# Create a cloud access role on a project.
resource "kion_project_cloud_access_role" "carp1" {
  name                   = "sample-car"
  project_id             = 1
  aws_iam_role_name      = "sample-car"
  web_access             = true
  short_term_access_keys = true
  long_term_access_keys  = true
  aws_iam_policies { id = 1 }
  aws_iam_permissions_boundary = 1
  future_accounts              = true
  #accounts { id = 1 }
  users { id = 1 }
  user_groups { id = 1 }

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "project_car_id" {
  value =
# Create a cloud access role on an OU.
resource "kion_ou_cloud_access_role" "carou1" {
  name                   = "sample-car"
  ou_id                  = 3
  aws_iam_role_name      = "sample-car"
  web_access             = true
  short_term_access_keys = true
  long_term_access_keys  = true
  aws_iam_policies { id = 628 }
  #aws_iam_permissions_boundary = 1
  users { id = 1 }
  user_groups { id = 1 }

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "ou_car_id" {
  value =
# Create an OU.
resource "kion_ou" "ou1" {
  name         = "sample-ou"
  description  = "Sample OU."
  parent_ou_id = 0
  permission_scheme_id = 2
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups { id = 1 }

  #labels = {
  #  (kion_label.env_staging.key) = kion_label.env_staging.value
  #  "Owner" = "jdoe"

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "ou_id" {
  value =
# Create a User Group.
resource "kion_user_group" "ug1" {
  name        = "sample-user-group2"
  description = "This is a sample user group."
  idms_id     = 1
  owner_groups { id = 1 }
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  users { id = 1 }

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "user_group_id" {
  value =
# Create an association between a User Group and a SAML IDMS.
resource "kion_saml_group_association" "sa1" {
  assertion_name         = "memberOf"
  assertion_regex        = "^kion-admins"
  idms_id                = 5
  update_on_login        = true
  user_group_id          = 1

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "saml_group_assocation_id" {
  value =
# Create a Project.
resource "kion_project" "p1" {
  ou_id = 1
  name = "Tech Project I"
  description = "This is a sample project."
  permission_scheme_id = 3
  owner_user_ids { id = 1 }
  project_funding {
    amount = 1000
    funding_order = 1
    funding_source_id = 1
    start_datecode = "2021-01"
    end_datecode = "2022-01"

  #labels = {
  #  (kion_label.env_staging.key) = kion_label.env_staging.value
  #  "Owner" = "jdoe"

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "project_id" {
  value =
# Import an existing AWS account to a project:
resource "kion_aws_account" "test1" {
  name = "Terraform Imported AWS Account - 1"
  account_number = "111122223333"
  payer_id = 1
  project_id =
  start_datecode = "2023-01"
# Create a new AWS account and place it in the account cache:
resource "kion_aws_account" "test2" {
  name = "Terraform Created AWS Account - 2"
  payer_id = 1
  commercial_account_name = "Test Account"
  create_govcloud = false

  aws_organizational_unit {
    name = "test name"
    org_unit_id = "123456"

Special note: When importing an existing Kion account into your terraform state file, you must use the account_id= or account_cache_id= ID prefix to indicate whether the ID is an account ID or a cached account ID.

For example:

terraform import kion_aws_account.test1 account_id=123
terraform import kion_aws_account.test2 account_cache_id=321
# Import an existing GCP project to the account cache:
resource "kion_gcp_account" "test3" {
  create_mode = "import"
  name = "Terraform Imported GCP Project - 3"
  google_cloud_project_id = "terraform-test-import"
  payer_id = 2
# Create a new GCP project and place it in a Kion project:
resource "kion_gcp_account" "test4" {
  create_mode = "create"
  name = "Terraform Created GCP Project - 4"
  google_cloud_project_id = "terraform-test-create"
  payer_id = 2
  project_id =
  start_datecode = "2023-01"

Special note: When importing an existing Kion account into your terraform state file, you must use the account_id= or account_cache_id= ID prefix to indicate whether the ID is an account ID or a cached account ID.

For example:

terraform import kion_gcp_account.test3 account_id=123
terraform import kion_gcp_account.test4 account_cache_id=321
# Import an existing Azure subscription to a project:
resource "kion_azure_account" "test5" {
  name = "Terraform Imported Azure Subscription - 5"
  subscription_uuid = "f000bcb3-ba32-47e8-a8dd-111122223333"
  payer_id = 3
  project_id =
  start_datecode = "2023-01"
# Create a new Azure subscription and place in the account cache:
resource "kion_azure_account" "test6" {
  name = "Terraform Created Azure Subscription - 5"
  subscription_name = "terraform-test-create"
  payer_id = 3
  mca {
    billing_account = "5e98e158-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxx-xx-xx"
    billing_profile = "AW4F-xxxx-xxx-xxx"
    billing_profile_invoice = "SH3V-xxxx-xxx-xxx"

Special note: When importing an existing Kion account into your terraform state file, you must use the account_id= or account_cache_id= ID prefix to indicate whether the ID is an account ID or a cached account ID.

For example:

terraform import kion_azure_account.test5 account_id=123
terraform import kion_azure_account.test6 account_cache_id=321
# Create a GCP IAM role.
resource "kion_gcp_iam_role" "gr1" {
  name = "Read permissions"
  description = "Allow user to list & get IAM roles."
  role_permissions = ["iam.roles.get", "iam.roles.list"]
  gcp_role_launch_stage = 4
  owner_users { id = 1 }

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "gcp_role" {
  value =
# Create an AWS Service Control Policy.
resource "kion_service_control_policy" "scp1" {
  name = "Test SCP"
  description  = "This is a sample SCP."
  policy = <<EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups  { id = 1 }

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "scp_id" {
  value =
# Create an Azure ARM template.
resource "kion_azure_arm_template" "arm1" {
  name = "tf test"
  description  = "A test Azure ARM template created via our Terraform provider."
  resource_group_name = "3797RGI"
  resource_group_region_id = 41

  # Valid values are either 1 ("incremental") or 2 ("complete")
  # deployment_mode = 1
  deployment_mode = 2
  owner_users { id = 1 }

  template = <<EOF
    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {},
    "variables": {},
    "resources": [],
    "outputs": {}

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "arm_template_id" {
  value =
# Create an Azure Role Definition.
resource "kion_azure_role" "ar1" {
  name = "Test Role"
  description = "A test role created by our Terraform provider."
  role_permissions = <<EOF
    "actions": [
    "notActions": [],
    "dataActions": [],
    "notDataActions": []
  owner_users { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups { id = 1 }

# Output the ID of the resource created.
output "ar_id" {
  value =
# Create and attach a funding source
resource "kion_funding_source" "fs1" {
  name                 = "Test Funding"
  description          = "Sample funding source created via terraform"
  amount               = 10000
  start_datecode       = "2023-01"
  end_datecode         = "2023-12"
  ou_id                = 1
  permission_scheme_id = 4
  owner_users          { id = 1 }
  owner_user_groups    { id = 3 }

  #labels = {
  #  (kion_label.env_staging.key) = kion_label.env_staging.value
  #  "Owner" = "jdoe"

# Output the ID of the created funding source.
output "fs_id" {
  value =

Data Sources

# Declare a data source to get all IAM policies.
data "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {}

# Output the list of all policies.
output "policies" {
  value = data.kion_aws_iam_policy.p1.list

# Output the first policy (which by default is the newest policy).
output "first" {
  value = data.kion_aws_iam_policy.p1.list[0]

# Output the first policy name.
output "policy_name" {
  value = data.kion_aws_iam_policy.p1.list[0].name

# Output a list of all policy names.
output "policy_names" {
  value = data.kion_aws_iam_policy.p1.list.*.name

# Output a list of all owner users for all policies.
output "policy_owner_users" {
  value = data.kion_aws_iam_policy.p1.list.*.owner_users
# Declare a data source to get 1 IAM policy that matches the name filter.
data "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {
  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["SystemReadOnlyAccess"]

# Declare a data source to get 2 IAM policies that matches the name filter.
data "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {
  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["SystemReadOnlyAccess", "test-policy"]

# Declare a data source to get 1 IAM policy that matches both of the filters.
# SystemReadOnlyAccess has the id of 1 so only that policy matches all of the filters.
data "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {
  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["SystemReadOnlyAccess", "test-policy"]

  filter {
    name   = "id"
    values = [1]

# Declare a data source to get all IAM policies that matches the owner filter.
# Syntax to filter on an array.
data "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {
  filter {
    name   = ""
    values = ["20"]

# Declare a data source to get all IAM policies that matches the id filter.
# Notice that terraform will convert these to strings even though you
# passed in an integer.
data "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {
  filter {
    name = "id"
    values = [1, "3"]
    # Terraform will convert all of these to strings.
    # + values = [
    #     + "1",
    #     + "3",
    #   ]

# Declare a data source to get all IAM policies that matches the query.
output "policy_access" {
  value = {
    # Loop through each policy
    for k in data.kion_aws_iam_policy.p1.list :
    # Create a map with a key of: id => k
    # Filter out an names that don't match the passed in variable
    if == "SystemReadOnlyAccess"


# Declare a data source to get all IAM policies.
data "kion_aws_iam_policy" "p1" {}

# Declare a local variable: local.owners
locals {
  # Owners for multiple policies merged together.
  owners = concat(data.kion_aws_iam_policy.p1.list[0].owner_users, data.kion_aws_iam_policy.p1.list[1].owner_users)

# Output the local variable.
output "policy_owner_users" {
  value = local.owners

Repository Maintainer: Push to Terraform Registry

To push a new version of this provider to the Terraform Registry:

  • In the main branch, update the Makefile with the correct version
  • Use the commands below to create a new tag (ensure you change the version number and description):
git tag -a v0.2.0 -m "Add your description here"
git push origin v0.2.0