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Humility is a difficulty mod that buffs (almost) every enemy in Slay the Spire while avoiding simple number buffs like increased HP or damage.



  • Vulnerable has been changed so that if the player is afflicted with it during the monsters' turn, monsters that act that turn will no longer suddenly deal increased damage.
    • This allows monsters that are not the last to act in a turn to apply Vulnerable without affecting the damage of monsters that act after them.
    • Note: This means Fungi Beast will no longer alter damage if it dies during the monsters' turn from effects like Thorns or Lightning Orbs.



  • Dead Adventurer
    • No longer gives a hint at which Elite the player might fight

Normal Enemies

  • Cultist
    • Attack also adds a Void into the discard pile
  • Gremlin (Fat)
    • Starts with 3 times more HP than usual
    • Starts with Slow
  • Gremlin (Mad)
    • Anger replaced with Strength Up (gain Strength each turn)
  • Gremlin (Shield)
    • Gives 1 Buffer instead of Block
  • Gremlin (Sneaky)
    • Starts with 10 Thievery
    • Escapes on turn 4
  • Gremlin (Wizard)
    • Takes 1 fewer turns to charge up attack
  • Jaw Worm
    • Always in Hard Mode
  • Large Slimes
    • Splits at 75% HP instead of 50%
  • Looter
    • Skips Smoke Bomb prep turn
  • Louse
    • Regains Curl Up after uncurling
  • Slaver (Blue)
    • New Move: Trip
      • Big Debuff
      • Applies No block to player
      • Can be used multiple times (but not two turns in a row)
  • Slaver (Red)
    • Can use Entangle multiple times (but not two turns in a row)
    • Cannot use Entangle on the same turn Blue Slaver uses Trip (see above)
  • Slime (Small Acid/Spike)
    • Starts with 1 Extra Slimy
    • Slime Coating:
      • At the end of its turn, adds X Slimed into your discard pile.
  • Slime (Medium Acid/Spike)
    • Starts with 2 Extra Slimy


  • Gremlin Nob
    • Summons 2 gremlin minions on turn 1
  • Lagavulin
    • Starts with 3 Demon Form
    • Removes Demon Form when waking up
  • Sentries
    • A 4th Sentry is added to the fight


  • The Guardian
    • Skips first Offensive-Defensive cycle, starting combat in Defensive Mode about to perform Twin Slam
    • Has Barricade while in Defensive Mode
  • Hexaghost
    • Name changed to Pentaghost
    • Skips turn 1 Activate, starts combat using Divider
    • Divider deals H x 5 damage instead of H x 6
    • H is calculated as Current HP / 10 + 1 instead of Current HP / 12 + 1
    • Skips the last Sear in its move rotation, cutting the move rotation before Inferno down to 5 turns instead of 6 turns
  • Slime Boss
    • Splits at 75% HP instead of 50%



  • The Colosseum
    • Second fight changed to double Gremlin Nob instead of Taskmaster + Gremlin Nob
    • The Gremlin Nobs in this fight will not summon gremlin minions
  • Masked Bandits
    • Pointy
      • Starts with 2 Thorns
      • When Bear dies, gains 1 Enrage
    • Romeo
      • Mock changed to Debuff, applies 5 Weak to player
      • When Bear dies, gains 1 Enrage
    • Bear
      • Bear Hug also applies 2 Frail (before the negative Dexterity)
      • When Romeo dies, gains 2 Enrage and 2 Strength

Normal Enemies

  • Byrds
    • No longer stunned when Flight is removed, instead goes straight into Headbutt
  • Centurion and Mystic
    • Centurion can only take 10 damage per turn while Mystic is alive
  • Chosen
    • Hex now shuffles a Dazed into the draw pile whenever you play ANY card
  • Fungi Beast
    • Spore Cloud goes off automatically after 2-4 turns as well as on death
  • Mugger
    • Skips Smoke Bomb prep turn
  • Shelled Parasite
    • Plated Armor is replaced with Metallicize
  • Snake Plant
    • New Move:
      • Attack + Debuff
      • 17 damage
      • Applies -3 Strength and 2 Shackled to player
  • Snecko
    • Starts with 1 Snecko Bot
    • Snecko Bot:
      • Whenever you play a card, choose a random number from 0 to 3. If the number is equal to the cost of the card played, gains X Strength.
  • Spheric Guardian
    • Starts with 3 Buffer


  • Book of Stabbing
    • Name changed to Book of Punching
    • Painful Stabs replaced with Painful Punches
    • Painful Punches is identical to Painful Stabs but puts the Wounds on top of your draw pile instead of into your discard pile.
  • Gremlin Leader
    • Maximum number of gremlin minions increased to 4
    • Spawns up to 3 gremlins at a time with Rally
  • Taskmaster
    • Attack is changed to 7 x N, where N = turn / 2 rounded up


  • Bronze Automaton
    • Skips spawn turn, starts combat with Bronze Orbs already spawned
    • Bronze Orb
      • Stasis move now steals 2 cards
  • The Champ
    • Starts with 3 Strength
    • Cannot use Defensive Stance move
    • Gloat and Anger moves give 1 additional Strength
  • The Collector
    • Maximum number of Torch Heads increased to 3
    • Spawns up to 3 Torch Heads at a time



  • Mind Bloom
    • I am War option changed to fight 2 Act 1 Bosses in a row
  • Mysterious Sphere
    • 50% of the time the fight will be Snecko and Mystics instead of Orb Walkers

Normal Enemies

  • Darklings
    • A 4th Darkling is added to the fight
  • Jaw Worm Horde
    • Starts with Life Link
  • The Maw
    • Always uses Slam on turn 2
    • Starts with 2 Strength
  • Orb Walker
    • Starts with 2 Artifact
    • Gives player upgraded Burns
  • Shapes (Exploder)
    • Starts with -1 turn on Explode
  • Shapes (Repulsor)
    • On death, puts 2 Dazed on top of the draw pile
  • Shapes (Spiker)
    • Gives ALL monsters 2 Thorns when buffing
  • Spire Growth
    • Constrict move (Big Debuff) changed to also deal damage equal to Quick Tackle
  • Transient
    • Starts with +1 Fading
    • Starts with 999 Regenerate
  • Writhing Mass
    • Starts with 8 Regenerate


  • Giant Head
    • Remove Slow
  • Nemesis
    • On non-Intangible turns, has Semi-Intangible
    • Semi-Intangible: Reduces damage received by 5
  • Reptomancer
    • Retomancer and Daggers apply 2 Venom when dealing unblocked damage
    • Venom:
      • Poison but blockable


  • Awakened One
    • Added a third phase:
      • 200 Max HP (220 on Asc 9+)
      • Gains 10 Ritual
  • Donu and Deca
    • Now have a single, shared health pool
  • Time Eater
    • Starts with Double Time
    • Double Time:
      • Whenever you play 6 cards, gains 1 Strength



  • Spire Shield and Spire Spear
    • Both start with Barricade


  • Corrupt Heart
    • Debilitate move also applies -1 draw per turn and -1 energy per turn