Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections.
Some great advantages to using Knockback.js:
make amazingly dynamic applications by applying a small number of simple principles
leverage the wonderful work from both the Backbone and Knockout communities
easily view and edit relationships between Models using BackboneRelational.js
(optional) simplify program control flow by configuring your application from your HTML Views (new!): think of it like Angular.js without memorizing all of the special purpose ng-{something} attributes. See the Inject Tutorial for live examples!
These resources can help you get started:
Knockback.js Reference App (Live!) (new!): demonstrates best practices when using Knockback.js including page routing and lifecycle management.
Knockback-Navigators.js (Live!) (new!): demonstrates page and embedded pane transitions. They are platform-agnostic so you can even use them without using Knockback.js or Knockout.js!
#Download Latest (0.17.2):
Please see the release notes for upgrade pointers.
Bundles advanced features including: localization, formatting, triggering, and defaults. Stack provides Underscore.js + Backbone.js + Knockout.js + Knockback.js in a single file.
- Full Library (dev, 64k) or (min+gzip, 8k)
- Full Stack (dev, 330k) or (min+gzip, 32k)
Removes advanced features that can be included separately: localization, formatting, triggering, defaults, validation, and statistics. Stack provides Underscore.js + Backbone.js + Knockout.js + Knockback.js in a single file.
- Core Library (dev, 54k) or (min+gzip, 7k)
- Core Stack (dev, 315k) or (min+gzip, 31k)
You can also find Knockback on your favorite distributions:
###Module Loading
Knockback.js is compatible with RequireJS, CommonJS, Brunch and AMD module loading. Module names:
- 'knockback' - knockback.js full, full stack, core, and core stack. If you use a knockback-core.js variant, you can check post-loading whether the module included optional extensions.
- 'knockback-defaults' - knockback-defaults.js module. Comes bundled with knockback.js and knockback-full-stack.js.
- 'knockback-formatting' - knockback-formatting.js module. Comes bundled with knockback.js and knockback-full-stack.js.
- 'knockback-localization' - knockback-localization.js module. Comes bundled with knockback.js and knockback-full-stack.js.
- 'knockback-triggering' - knockback-triggering.js module. Comes bundled with knockback.js and knockback-full-stack.js.
- 'knockback-validation' - knockback-validation.js module. Comes bundled with knockback.js and knockback-full-stack.js.
- 'knockback-statistics' - knockback-statistics.js module. Not bundled with any library nor component.
###Replaceable Dependencies
- LoDash - it you prefer LoDash, we've got support for it!
- Parse - (new!) instead of Backbone.js, you can use Parse. Please note: there is no support for module loading and if you include Parse, it overrides Backbone.js and Underscore.js
###Compatible Components
- BackboneRelational.js - provides helpers for one-to-one and one-to-many relationships between your Backbone.Models.
- BackboneModelRef.js - provides a reference to a Backbone.Model that can be bound to your view before the model is loaded from the server (along with relevant load state notifications).
- KnockbackNavigators.js - provides page and pane navigation including history and state (useful for single-page and mobile apps). Can be used independently from Knockback.js.
- KnockbackInspector.js - provides customizable tree view of models and collections for viewing and editing your data (useful for debugging and visualizaing JSON).
When I was evaluating client-side frameworks, I liked lots of the pieces, but wanted to "mix and match" the best features. I started with Backbone.js and really loved the Models and Collections, and used Brunch to get me up and running quickly.
After a while, I found the view coding too slow so I wrote Mixin.js to extract out reusable aspects of my views. When I was looking for my next productivity increase, an ex-work colleague suggested Sproutcore, but at the time, it wasn't yet micro-frameworky enough meaning I would need to learn something big and "to throw the baby out with the bathwater" as they say (it is hard to give up Backbone models and collections!). Then, I discovered Knockout and knew it was for me!
Knockout provided just the right building blocks for a layer between my templates and data. As I used it more, I built additional functionality like Backbone.ModelRefs for lazy model loading, localization helpers for truly dynamic views, and most recently, an easier way to sync collections and their model's view models.
So here it is...the refactored and shareable version of my Backbone bindings for Knockout: Knockback.js
ContactViewModel = (model) ->
kb.viewModel(model, {
name: 'name'
email: {key:'email', default: ''}
date: {key:'date', localizer: LongDateLocalizer}
}, this)
@ # must return this or Coffeescript will return the last statement which is not what we want!
or (Coffeescript)
class ContactViewModel extends kb.ViewModel
constructor: (model) ->
super(model, {internals: ['email', 'date']}) # call super constructor: @name, @_email, and @_date created in super from the model attributes
@email = kb.defaultObservable(@_email, '')
@date = new LongDateLocalizer(@_date)
or (Javascript)
var ContactViewModel = kb.ViewModel.extend({
constructor: function(model) {, model, {internals: ['email', 'date']}); // call super constructor: @name, @_email, and @_date created in super from the model attributes = kb.defaultObservable(this._email, ''); = new LongDateLocalizer(this._date);
return this;
<label>Name: </label><input data-bind="value: name" />
<label>Email: </label><input data-bind="value: email" />
<label>Birthdate: </label><input data-bind="value: date" />
view_model = new ContactViewModel(new Backbone.Model({name: 'Bob', email: '', date: new Date()}))
# ...
# and cleanup after yourself when you are done.
And now when you type in the input boxes, the values are properly transferred to the model and the dates are even localized!
Of course, this is just a simple example, but hopefully you get the picture.
- install node.js:
- install node packages: 'npm install'
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