b25 - Embedding Songs in Playlist Contexts: Adapting Word Embedding Techniques for Music Recommendation Systems
This paper explores the adaptation of word embedding methods—commonly employed in natural language processing—to enhance music recommendation systems. Drawing a parallel between sentences and playlists, we treat each song as an entity akin to a word, thus enabling established algorithms like CBOW (Continuous-Bag-of-Words), Skip-Gram, and a GloVe-inspired approach to capture co-occurrence patterns of songs within playlists. We further propose novel embedding models, including Continuous-Bag-of-Entities (CBOE), a modified Skip-Gram for entity contexts, and Entity Cluster Push (ECP), which specifically address the non-sequential and association-driven nature of playlist data.
Results indicate that algorithms leveraging global co-occurrences, particularly larger Skip-Gram models, yield higher precision scores—reaching up to 77.39% precision@1—outperforming traditional proximity-based word embedding strategies. In contrast, our newly introduced ECP method, designed for clustered entities, requires additional refinement, as its initial accuracy did not meet expectations.
These findings underscore both the promise and complexity of translating NLP-driven embedding techniques into domains with non-sequential structures, such as playlist-based music recommendations. By broadening the application of embedding models beyond text, this work offers insights into capturing semantic relationships in entity-centric datasets and suggests pathways for extending these methods to other contexts where items co-occur rather than follow a strict sequence.
Training a standard word embedding model involves exposing it to a large corpus of sentences, allowing it to learn the semantic relationships between words by analyzing how they co-occur within sentence structures[Pilehvar]. This process relies on the distributional hypothesis, which suggests that words appearing in similar contexts tend to have similar meanings[Sahlgren].
The approach in question extends this concept by drawing an analogy between sentences as collections of words and playlists as collections of songs[Köse]. To construct a model for playlists, one could initially consider the song titles as the equivalent of words and the playlists as analogous to sentences. However, this direct mapping poses challenges when utilizing algorithms designed for natural language processing.
Many word embedding algorithms, such as Word2Vec, focus on local context windows—capturing the relationships between a word and its immediate neighbors[Xia]. This assumption of locality doesn't directly translate to playlists, where the relationship between songs isn't necessarily dependent on their proximity or order within the playlist. Hence, adapting such algorithms for playlist modeling requires addressing the contextual difference between word co-occurrence and song co-inclusion in playlists.
The concept of modeling semantic relationships between entities in their context is well-established, particularly in natural language processing (NLP) [Lezama-Sánchez, 2022]. Recent advancements in this area [Chiang et al., 2020] have highlighted its applicability beyond text analysis [Köse]. For instance, the principles of NLP can be adapted to playlists, where playlists provide the context, and songs represent the entities. By treating playlists as analogous to sentences and songs as words, NLP techniques like word embeddings can be repurposed, offering novel approaches for modeling relationships in music recommendation systems. Related studies have explored vector space model embeddings in recommender systems, specifically utilizing neural networks to enhance predictive accuracy [Wang and Craig, 2017]. Their work underscores the potential of embedding techniques to model semantic relationships in diverse recommendation scenarios, providing a foundation for advancements in playlist-based systems.
The dataset utilized in this study originates from a Kaggle repository, encompassing approximately 1GB of Spotify playlists. Preprocessing the data involved several critical steps to ensure its quality and usability for model training.
Initially, the dataset was cleaned to address common data anomalies, including outliers, missing values, and erroneous entries. Subsequently, data augmentation was performed by randomly rearranging the positions of songs within playlists, effectively expanding the dataset and enhancing its diversity. This step was motivated by the need to expose the model to a broader range of playlist structures, thereby increasing its robustness and generalization capability.
The processed dataset was then partitioned into two subsets: 90% of the data was allocated for training, while the remaining 10% was reserved for testing. This stratified split ensures a reliable evaluation of model performance while minimizing the risk of overfitting.
The Continuous-Bag-of-Words (CBOW) model aims to predict a target word, known as the center word, based on a given context of surrounding words. This model operates under the distributional hypothesis, which suggests that words appearing in similar contexts share similar meanings. Consequently, words located closely in a text are assumed to be highly similar, whereas words that are far apart are often dissimilar in meaning.
In CBOW, the probability
In a mathematical sense, the CBOW objective is to maximize the overall probability for the corpus. Given a hyper-parameter
By training on these conditional probabilities, CBOW creates dense vector embeddings that reflect semantic similarities between words based on their contexts.
The Skip-Gram model, an alternative to CBOW, is designed to predict the surrounding context words based on a given center word. This approach aims to maximize the probability of observing neighboring words, given a target word. Formally, the Skip-Gram model seeks to maximize the following objective function:
$T$ is the total number of words in the corpus. -
$c$ denotes the window size, representing how many context words around the target word are considered. -
$P(w_{t+j} | w_t)$ is the conditional probability of a context word$w_{t+j}$ given the center word$w_t$ .
In Skip-Gram, this conditional probability
$v_{w_o}$ and$v_{w_I}$ are the vector embeddings of the output (context) word$w_o$ and input (center) word$w_I$ , respectively. -
$W$ is the total vocabulary size.
Window Size Impact: The parameter
In the context of playlist modeling, the Skip-Gram approach can be adapted by treating each song as a "word" and each playlist as a "sentence." However, unlike natural language, where the order of words conveys meaning, playlists do not always rely on the sequence of songs. Instead, Skip-Gram might capture valuable associations by treating all songs within a playlist as contextually related, without assuming that specific songs need to appear close to each other to share relevance.
Unlike CBOW and Skip-Gram, which depend on local windows of proximity to infer semantic relationships, the GloVe-like approach adopted here leverages global co-occurrence statistics drawn from entire playlists. In this adaptation, each playlist is treated as a "document," and pairs of songs that co-occur frequently within these playlists are more likely to be semantically related. To implement this, the algorithm constructs a global co-occurrence matrix, capturing how often any two songs appear together, regardless of their relative positions. Subsequently, it employs a weighted least-squares objective that aligns the inner product of song embeddings with the logarithm of their observed co-occurrence counts. Over several training epochs, the embeddings and bias terms are iteratively updated to minimize the discrepancy between the modeled and actual co-occurrences, resulting in dense vectors that reflect broader contextual relationships between songs. This method complements more localized approaches by emphasizing the overall structure of the data—enabling richer, more holistic representations that could potentially improve recommendation quality.
The Continuous-Bag-of-Entities (CBOE) model can be viewed as a generalized adaptation of the Continuous-Bag-of-Words (CBOW) framework. Rather than constraining the model to a fixed, weighted context window, CBOE removes explicit context weighting and introduces an effectively unbounded context size. This modification makes the approach more suitable for tasks where the collective presence of entities holds greater importance than their sequential arrangement—such as songs appearing together in a playlist. By focusing on co-occurrence within entire sets of entities, CBOE aims to capture higher-level semantic relationships, thereby extending the applicability of traditional word embedding principles to broader domains like music recommendation.
The skipgram approche is build to cluster words in a vector space and find the semantic meaning with a context window. For the entity relation/meaning usecase the context window can be infinite and also the weight of the entities around the viewed one does not need to be regarded. Therefore propsing a modified version of the algorithm for training a entity semantic meaning model for usecases not regarding sequential arrangement and context windows.
The Entity Cluster Push (ECP) algorithm is a simplified embedding training technique inspired by the Continuous-Bag-of-Words (CBOW) model, tailored for scenarios involving clustered entities instead of sequential data. ECP operates on clusters of entities, treating each cluster as a context, and aims to refine the vector representations of individual entities by optimizing their alignment with the centroid of their respective clusters.
For a given cluster of entities
where $\mathbf{v}{e_i}$ is the vector representation of entity $e_i$. To refine the embedding of an entity $e_k$, the algorithm computes a context vector $\mathbf{c}{e_k}$ by removing
$$ \mathbf{c}{e_k} = \frac{\mathbf{b} - \mathbf{v}{e_k}}{n - 1} $$
The distance between the entity vector $\mathbf{v}{e_k}$ and its context vector $\mathbf{c}{e_k}$ is then calculated using the Euclidean norm:
$$ \text{distance} = |\mathbf{v}{e_k} - \mathbf{c}{e_k}| $$
To adjust the embedding, the gradient of the context vector, scaled by a learning rate
$$ \mathbf{v}{e_k} \leftarrow \mathbf{v}{e_k} + \alpha \cdot \text{distance} \cdot \mathbf{c}_{e_k} $$
Simultaneously, the base vector
Unlike traditional models such as CBOW, ECP does not predict a target entity but instead focuses on optimizing the relative positioning of entities within predefined clusters, making it particularly suitable for non-sequential data contexts like playlists or grouped recommendations.
The dataset is divided into two sets: training and testing, to mitigate overfitting. The model evaluation involves selecting a song from a playlist and allowing the model to predict the next song. If the predicted song is present in the same playlist, the prediciton is marked as correct. Currently, the model is not evaluated on its ability to understand the context or sequence of songs, which represents a potential future testing phase. In essence, the model receives one song as input and suggests the next best matching song based on its learned associations.
Model | Vector Size | Window | Min Count | Epoch | Learning Rate (Alpha) | Training Algorithm | NS Exponent | Precision@1 | Precision@3 |
b25-sn-v50 | 50 | 5 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | 0.3672 | 0.3505 |
b25-sn-v256-a | 256 | 5 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | 0.3669 | 0.3451 |
b25-sn-v256-b | 256 | 10 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | 0.4333 | 0.3554 |
b25-sn-v256-c | 256 | 20 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | 0.4427 | 0.3649 |
b25-sn-v256-d | 256 | 20 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | Skip-Gram | 0.0 | 0.6513 | 0.5578 |
b25-sn-v512-a | 512 | 100 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | 0.5703 | 0.4709 |
b25-sn-v512-b | 512 | 100 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | Skip-Gram | 0.0 | 0.7739 | 0.6639 |
b25-sn-v512-c | 512 | inf | 1 | 15 | 0.015 | ECP | - | 0.2196 | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-d | 512 | inf | 1 | 15 | 0.025 | ECP | - | 0.2362 | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-e | 512 | inf | 1 | 15 | 0.025 | ECP-d | - | 0.0528 | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-e* | 512 | inf | 1 | 15 | 0.025 | Glove-a | - | 0.0095 | N/A |
* trained on 1000 Playlists
--- temp note --- b25-sn-v256-d-c --> 40 epochs new data
Interpretation of Results
What do the results mean? Unexpected findings ? The first iteration of the newly developed algorithm for song embedding did not align with the expectation. It was designed to fit the reduced requirements of embedding songs. More iterations needed to be done, still there is some data collected about this topic so the next one does no need to do that...
Comparison with Prior Work The results of the study show that while genre-based clustering remains prevalent in playlists, deviations from this norm often arise. These deviations highlight the influence of broader cultural and social phenomena on playlist composition. Specifically, subclusters within the embeddings are more aligned with emerging trends, significant social events, and references to popular media such as movies and TV shows, rather than strictly adhering to genre boundaries. This observation aligns with existing research suggesting that user-generated content, including playlists, reflects contextual and cultural dimensions, thereby offering nuanced insights beyond traditional genre categorizations.
This research advances the application of classical vectorization algorithms by extending their usage into non-traditional domains, specifically music recommendation systems. In addition to adapting established methodologies like CBOW (Continuous Bag of Words) and Skip-Gram for embedding songs within playlists, the study introduces a novel algorithm, termed Entity Clustering (EC). This algorithm represents a contribution to the general field of vectorization by refining the representation of semantic relationships between entities.
The EC algorithm is implemented within the b25 model, which is designed to optimize the embedding of songs based on their contextual co-inclusion within playlists rather than their sequential relationships. The approach builds on the principles of contextual embedding but diverges from traditional proximity-based models to account for the unordered and association-driven nature of playlist data.
This contribution applying established algorithms in a new domain and introducing a vectorization method demonstrates the adaptability of vectorization principles and highlights their potential for cross-domain applicability. Future work aims to further refine the EC algorithm, optimize its implementation for computational efficiency, and explore its broader applicability to contexts such as dynamic media recommendations and relational analysis in complex systems.
The proposed approaches hold significant potential for application in the music industry, particularly in enhancing song recommendation systems. By leveraging these methods, personalized playlists could be tailored to align with individual user preferences, offering a highly customized listening experience. Optimization strategies may include clustering users with similar music tastes to reduce computational costs, allowing for fewer but more efficient models. Additionally, pretrained models could serve as a foundation for fine-tuning with user-specific playlists, enabling rapid adaptation to individual preferences.
The scalability of such systems provides room for innovation, such as employing transfer learning to improve recommendations across diverse user groups. Beyond user personalization, these methods could streamline the design of dynamic, mood-based playlists or assist in uncovering latent musical preferences in underrepresented genres. The interplay of optimization techniques and algorithmic design opens new pathways for exploration in both consumer and business-focused applications of music technology.
On a theoretical level, this work suggests a broader applicability of embedding-based models beyond their traditional use in natural language processing. While the focus here is on music recommendation, similar algorithms could be adapted for fields where relationships between entities need contextual representation. For instance, cryptographic applications could explore embeddings to identify patterns in data encryption processes, while interdisciplinary fields like social network analysis may utilize these techniques to model interactions and relationships.
Furthermore, embedding algorithms may find utility in biological data analysis, where they could uncover relationships in genetic sequences, protein interactions, or ecological networks. The theoretical foundation of these algorithms—rooted in capturing latent semantic relationships—can drive advancements in diverse disciplines, providing a framework for understanding complex systems. Future research should systematically explore these domains to delineate the full extent of their applicability and limitations.
Obtaining sufficient data to ensure coverage for every song within the dataset has proven to be a significant challenge. Moreover, song recommendation is inherently subjective and cannot be fully generalized due to the diverse nature of individual preferences. Consequently, the evaluation of model performance should incorporate additional metrics, such as validation through representative sampling, to improve reliability and robustness.
The computational demands of training a unique model for each user render this approach impractical, especially considering the substantial time required for model training. Furthermore, the memory complexity of each model scales as
One of the primary constraints on further research in this paper stemmed from hardware limitations. Identifying the empirical maximum for model fitting and examining how the entity vector size correlates with model accuracy are crucial directions for future work. Moreover, these hardware constraints also highlight the limited nature of the training dataset. While the dataset used here was sufficient for the algorithms’ evaluation within this paper’s scope, a more sophisticated dataset is required for real-world applications.
Future work will focus on applying the insights from this study to expand the potential use cases of the proposed models, including personalized playlist recommendations, dynamic playlist generation, and cross-domain applications such as video or podcast suggestions. Additionally, optimizing the algorithms is critical to improving memory efficiency and computational performance, which will involve addressing bottlenecks in the training process, refining data handling to reduce redundancy, and implementing lower-level programming optimizations. These efforts aim to ensure scalability and robustness for handling larger datasets while maintaining or improving accuracy and speed.
Closing Remarks
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- Need for Larger Test Sets: All models should be tested against a much larger set of playlists, as testing on only 250 playlists may not provide sufficient variability and insight into model performance. Thats about 10.000 songs
- Accuracy Potential: It remains to be seen how high the accuracy can reach with these approaches, but further experimentation and optimization are necessary.
CBOW is better for Datasets with many fequent occuring words. Skip-Gram is better with many less frequent words (Concluded here). Still need to test what algorithm performes better or is it the case to create an own algorithm for embedding songs inside playlists. Both algorithms work with some kind of context window to understand the focused word. This type of window looking should not apply to playlists because there is the whole list relevant.
Next steps:
- Train every model again with the new dataset
- Test every model with the new dataset
- discuss the results and the usage?
- find more papers and resources about this topic...
Validation Techniques: Employ k-fold cross-validation to ensure the model generalizes well to unseen data.
Monitor for overfitting by comparing training and validation losses.
A/B Testing: If possible, conduct user studies or live A/B tests to assess recommendation quality in real-world scenarios.
Talk about what randomguessing would be the number to set a persepctive for the results
Unstructured Data for the new dataset: With the new data the best model for 256v gets 0.4939. thats less then 0.6513 from the prev dataset with clearing out the upper part of the playlists 0.3602
p@3: 0.32173375887985173 for the new base model... form 0.5578 prev thats a lot of missing out... 0.4975805621332235 for 10 epochs 5 epochs prev for the same data reach 0.4939 0.584680325337177 for 20 epochs 0.6112426644702975 for 40 epochs
v512 model with 40 epochs reached 0.6083 sn-v512-b-a over 1000 playlist 33.7k songs 0.6001 v512 model with 5 epochs 0.5263 sn-v512-b-b v512 over 1000 playist 33.7k songs 0.5269
It's important to talk about the accuracy in terms of overfitting. The 78% accuracy with the big model could be the most useful value because the model is also supposed to detect new combinations that are not contained inside the dataset. When reaching 100% the model is overfit to the data. But 78% are a valid result to have there will be further investigation done about the suggested songs. For overall playlist suggestion the precsission@k results till like 10 could be of value... There will some paper progress need to be made to validate the general idea here overall...
Current results for CBOE 256 - still need to fix the training data bottom trim... 0.1709112087679356
Tested with the new data on a small sample biggest model about 60% on the new cleaner data still need to test with higher epoch because of a smaller tr
currently getting a better avg accuracy with the new preprocessing in the dataset with cut of bottom and top...
maybe visit model training times / this paper or an other paper?? best model took 10h on Core 7 Ultra 155H
interesting new results for the new dataset. The 256 model and 512 booth get the same accuracy...
New Table with the Data and newly Trained Models
Model | Vector Size | Window | Min Count | Epoch | Learning Rate (Alpha) | Training Algorithm | NS Exponent | Precision@1 | Precision@3 |
b25-sn-v50 | 50 | 5 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | N/A | N/A |
b25-sn-v256-a | 256 | 5 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | N/A | N/A |
b25-sn-v256-b | 256 | 10 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | N/A | N/A |
b25-sn-v256-c | 256 | 20 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | N/A | N/A |
b25-sn-v256-d | 256 | 20 | 1 | 40 | 0.025 | Skip-Gram | 0.0 | 0.7001 | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-a | 512 | 100 | 1 | 5 | 0.025 | CBOW | - | N/A | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-b | 512 | 100 | 1 | 40 | 0.025 | Skip-Gram | 0.0 | 0.6972 | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-c | 512 | inf | 1 | 15 | 0.015 | ECP | - | N/A | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-d | 512 | inf | 1 | 15 | 0.025 | ECP | - | N/A | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-e | 512 | inf | 1 | 15 | 0.025 | ECP-d | - | N/A | N/A |
b25-sn-v512-e* | 512 | inf | 1 | 15 | 0.025 | Glove-a | - | N/A | N/A |