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Testing not yet released features of Kirby in your application

RasmusKjeldgaard edited this page Oct 7, 2021 · 1 revision

Testing not-yet-released features of Kirby in your application

Here's a quick guide to test Kirby features that have not yet been released, but live on a branch within the Kirby Designsystem repository.

First of all, you need to clone down this repository, and make sure to run

npm install followed by npm run publish

This will create a .tgz file in the /dist/ folder of this repository. Then, from the root of your application, execute:

npm i <path-to-root-of-designsystem>/dist/kirbydesign-designsystem-<version>.tgz

... where <path-to-root-of-designsystem> is replaced with the real path and <version> is the version of designsystem that was build (in the previous step).

Generally, you do NOT want to commit the changes made to package.json and package-lock.json to your code base.

If you were to test the new Kirby version by deploying to a CI environment somewhere, you can of course create a test branch with these changes. To do this you would need to copy over the .tgz file from the /dist/ folder to your own project and install that using the new path referencing the file within your own project. If placed in the root, that would just be

npm i kirbydesign-designsystem-<version>.tgz

Then you can push the changes including the .tgz file, and use your existing deployment workflow as you would with any other feature branch.

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