Shiny webapp of or
If not already done install miniconda
set up the channels:
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
Then run conda install mpra-data-access-portal
The latest version on conda is 0.1.10
so you can run conda install mpra-data-access-portal=0.1.10
to install exactly this version.
now you can run the data portal via the command: mpra-data-access-portal
The default port is 8080
and the default host
. If you want to change this please change the two variables SHINY_PORT
and export SHINY_HOST
. E.g.:
export SHINY_PORT=7001
export SHINY_HOST=
Then run mpra-data-access-portal
install dependencies:
R version 4.3.3
R packages:
- dplyr version 1.1.4
- DT version 0.33
- ggplot2 version 3.5.1
- shiny version 1.9.1
- shinytest2 version 0.3.1
- shinyvalidate 0.1.3
- htmlwidgets version 1.6.4
- readr version 2.1.5
- stringr version 1.5.1
- plotly version 4.10.4
You can install also via mamba/conda using: mamba env create -f environment.yaml -n mpra-data-access-portal
Get the latest version via version release on github:
or cloning the repository: and change to the version tag v0.1.10
the goto the directory and run the shiny server (here on port 8080
and on host
, if not alredy defined:
export SHINY_PORT=${SHINY_PORT-8080}
Rscript -e "shiny::runApp(port = ${SHINY_PORT}, launch.browser = FALSE, host = '${SHINY_HOST}')"