The server looks for a _externals\
directory located in the workspace root.
When there is a _externals\externals.src
it will try to parse it and all referenced files right after parsing the built-in externals and before parsing user scripts.
- If there is no
we look for a_externals\externals.d
and try to parse that.
This externals should be provided from Union plugins such as zParserExtender.
Minimum configuration needed to run the language server
somewhere in init.lua or any lua script
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
pattern = "d",
callback = function(ev)
local root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(
vim.fs.find({ 'Gothic.src', 'Camera.src', 'Menu.src', 'Music.src', 'ParticleFX.src', 'SFX.src', 'VisualFX.src' }, { upward = true })[1]
local client = vim.lsp.start({
name = 'DLS',
cmd = {'C:/.../DaedalusLanguageServer.exe'},
root_dir = root_dir,
-- configure language server specific options
settings = {
daedalusLanguageServer = {
loglevel = 'debug',
inlayHints = { constants = true },
numParserThreads = 16,
fileEncoding = 'Windows-1252',
srcFileEncoding ='Windows-1252',
vim.lsp.buf_attach_client(0, client)
vim.cmd([[highlight! link LspSignatureActiveParameter Search]])