This generator scaffolds the files for your new R project. The resulting file structure looks like this:
├── R
│ ├── pending.R
│ └── {packagename}-package.R
├── man
│ └── {packagename}.Rd
└── tests
├── test-all.R
└── testthat
└── test-pending.R
Included out of the box
- Easy installation/distribution using devtools::install()
- Documentation with roxygen2
- Tests using testthat
- .travis.yml config for Travis-CI
- Coveralls integration with covr
Requires the following to be installed:
- Obviously, R
- npm
- devtools, roxygen2, testthat R packages (not required, but would make your life easier)
Installation on mac:
# install dependencies
brew install npm # sudo apt-get install npm on ubuntu
sudo npm install -g yo generator-newpackage
# start using
cd package/directory
yo newpackage # creates a package in the current folder
# or
yo newpackage packageName # creates a new folder
# subgenerators
yo newpackage:function somefunction # creates R/somefunction.R
yo newpackage:test sometest # creates tests/testthat/sometest.R