Send messages to slack from R console!
send_message(c('hello', 'world'), name = 'kirillbot', channel = '#random', attachments = att)
For more info about attachments read this documentation. Example attachment:
att <- list(
fallback = 'Test alert',
color = '#86a64f',
pretext = 'testing pretext',
author_name = "Bobby Tables",
author_link = "",
author_icon = "",
title = "Slack API Documentation",
title_link = "",
text = "Optional text that appears within the attachment",
fields = list(
title = "Priority",
value = "High",
short = FALSE
title = "Uptime",
value = "20 min",
short = TRUE
image_url = "",
thumb_url = ""
slackr::send_message('message body', attachments = att)