This library is very poorly designed and was written purely as proof-of-concept. I have rewritten it in Rust and the main development is going here.
Khalzam is a simple audio recognition library. Its algrorithm is based on this article by Jovan Jovanovic
Fingerprint library uses mpg123 (thinking of switching to a native solution) so you need to install it:
$ brew install mpg123
$ sudo apt-get install libmpg123-dev
You need to create and initialize database:
$ createdb -O user databasename
$ psql -f createdb.sql databasename
$ DBUSER=kisasexypantera94 DBNAME=khalzam go run shell.go
Initializing library...
MusicLibrary interactive shell
>>> help
clear clear the screen
delete delete audio from database
exit exit the program
help display help
index index audiofile
indexdir index directory
recognize recognize audiofile
recognizedir recognize directory
>>> index resources/Modjo\ -\ Lady\ \(Hear\ Me\ Tonight\).mp3
Indexing 'resources/Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight).mp3'...
>>> recognize samples/modjo_lady_sample.mp3
Recognizing 'samples/modjo_lady_sample.mp3'...
Best match: Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight) (11% matched)
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() {
cfg := &musiclibrary.Config{
User: os.Getenv("DBUSER"),
Password: os.Getenv("DBPASSWORD"),
DBname: os.Getenv("DBNAME"),
Host: os.Getenv("DBHOST"),
Port: os.Getenv("DBPORT"),
musicLib, _ := musiclibrary.Open(cfg)
defer musicLib.Close()
musicLib.Index("resources/Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight).mp3")
result := musicLib.Recognize("samples/modjo_lady_sample.mp3")