Project to practice spring boot and hibernate
- Maven should be installed on machine
- Java 11 or higher should be installed on machine
git clone
cd spring-boot-rest-security-hibernate
mvn package
cd target
java -jar spring-boot-rest-security-hibernate-1.0.jar
- Hit http://localhost:9094/ in any browser to access application
- Note: http://localhost:9094/admin/** endpoint is only accessible to admin user
- Open project in Eclipse or any other IDE
- Open file spring-boot-rest-security-hibernate/src/main/java/com/kishan/springboot/testapis/
- Run file (In Eclipse: Right Click -> Run As -> Java Application)
- Hit http://localhost:9094/h2 in any browser to access H2 database
- Enter following DB details:
- Setting Name: Generic H2 (Embedded)
- Driver Class: org.h2.Driver
- JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:file:./H2DB_Storage
- User Name: sa
- Password: [Blank]
- Click connect