MQL Foundation Library For Professional Developers
Hi, it seems original contributors not updating original mql4-lib repo.
Our work depends heavily on this library, but we don't have to add new feature. For original manual please read thanks to original contributors, it's a great manual.
Major change from original
- Add VSCode c++ intellisense help
- Add ObjectArrray so any object like complex type (include struct) can put in, but have to implement bool ObjectArrayCompareElement(T& src, T& dst) comparator by yourself, primitive type can always use Array class
- Fix Array push minor issue
- NOTE dll with tester issues: how to put dll while using tester to prevent dll not found or not loaded issue
- check Options -> Expert Advisors -> Allow DLL Imports
- for 32 bit mt4, get a genuine 32 bit dll from a legit source (like, not from anyone who told you to download
- for 64 bit mt5, copy from Windows/System32
- dll must put in "DataFolder" with terminal.exe, terminal require restart. not "tester" folder or any others
- INPUT macro use extern implementation instead of input
- Disable ExpertAdvisor onTester event handler, use MT4 default
- ExpertAdvisor DECLARE_EA related INPUT macro change to INPUT(_type, localname, inputname, defvalue), so still can access to input AppInputSomeInputName
- MQL_PROPERTY macro to define simple property in class instead of ObjectAttr macro
- Add mql/lang/mql4syntax.mqh so vscode c/c++ intellisense can mostly work
- Escape #import so get more syntax compatibility
- Move function implementation back to class, so cross compatible for both modern c++ compiler and bcc
- Add header guard
A Note of VSCode c++ intellisense support You can still complete your work with some of intellisense feature, better than none Requirement
- A valid VC++ compiler, get it from choco will be easy: choco install visualstudio2019buildtools
- Install vscode extensions: C/C++, MQL-syntax-over-cpp. suggested to install Doxygen Documentation Generator
- Add a c_cpp_properties.json in .vscode folder
- Add to includePath
- "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Include//ucrt",
- "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Include//um",
- "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Include//shared",
- "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/BuildTools/VC/Tools/MSVC//include",
- path to your "MQL4/Include",
- "compilerPath": "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/BuildTools/VC/Tools/MSVC//bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe",
- "intelliSenseMode": "msvc-x64"
- my windows kit version currently is "10.0.19041.0" and VC is "14.29.30133"
- Other info you can refer to and vscode c_cpp_properties.json related help
- Add like these in your mhq file
- Suggested to add header guard
#ifndef __MY_CODE_MQH__
#define __MY_CODE_MQH__
#ifdef __MQLBUILD__
#property strict
#include <Mql/Lang/Mql4Syntax.mqh>
#include <mylib/macro.mqh>
int my_code_start_here;
#endif // __MY_CODE_MQH__
Known issue
- Preprocessor like #import and #property cannot work on vc
- Template syntax related
- Anything cannot identified as a type or function, but metaeditor compiler will still work
- string related
- Array construction like Type array[];
- Static variable init may confuse with namespace ::
- Pointer manipulation related
- If you get more and more in problem panel, vscode intellisense will stop to work, sometimes you have to separate your code.
We will NOT provide work for these issues
- New feature, excepts our projects need it
- Issue from original repository
- MQL5 related issue (sorry that our primary work only depends on MQL4)
- Build error for specific MT4 version, not latest
If you need these help, please file a issue
- Build error on latest MT4
- License issue ... etc, something not mentioned above