Welcome again human, if you are here, we want to extend our greetings and congratulations for arriving here, you are awesome, your everyone should be proud. Well, now we gonna explain what's the project about, and keep in mind that even if you are not the chosen one we guarantee that you will learn something useful for your professional/academic/personal life, so, you are not wasting your time, and we know that you'll give your best, the challenge is hard.
This project proposal is expected to verify your ability to perform in various scenarios that you might encounter in your day-to-day work as an engineer in our team. Testing your skills in mainly two programming languages (Python and C++), as well as various tools that you can use (Docker, ROS2...). Also, measuring your search, logic and interpretation skills.
You will be provided with some rosbag
's containing all the topics information you need to develop the different points you will find in homework.md. Please make sure that your rosbag
's are working properly.
- Start reading the main README file
- Clone the repo, and work on your own privater repo. This is to avoid other participants copy your answers. You'll be asked to make it public the due date. NOT before!
- When you'll finish the project send us the link to your cloned repository, you should already have an invitation or calendar event to present the solution, and expose your results.
- We recommend reading in the next order the manuals and documentation: running_dev_container.md, project_rules.md, homework.md.
- Please, and please be sure you understand what you have to do, and that the rules are clear enough.
- No partial solutions will be accepted, and neither any kind of excuses, sorry... The project works or not, that's it.
- The last commit and push of your solution cannot be done after the day you have been informed.
- It's completely forbidden to contact Kiwibot's employees through work or personal emails, mobile numbers, or other contact mediums, also, you can't contact other participants for the role, if you do so, your application will be canceled. If you have questions follow the instructions specified in the documents and manuals.
- The maximum grade for the project is 10.25 over 5.0 if you complete the extra homework (the real challenge). I mean if you complete the basic points you will get 5.0 if everything it's ok but if you complete the extra homework your grade could increase to 10.25.
- If you found an issue (not documentation, unless it affects the proper development of the project) you could get an extra 5.0%/5.
- Use git, and make commits. Git isn't just to push the final solution
- You'll find other rules along the repository