This is the changelog from the original repository. We retain it here for historical purposes, since the historical tags do not exist in this repository due to it being a "disconnected fork" as described in the README.
New releases will use GitHub releases going forward under kiwiproject 🥝.
- Upgraded to CXF 3.5.2 (see Issue #33).
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 2.0.29 (see Issue #33).
- Bump junit from 4.13.1 to 4.13.2 (see Issue #33).
- Bump mockito from 1.9.5 to 1.10.19 (see Issue #33).
- Upgraded to CXF 3.4.4 (see Issue #30).
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 2.0.24 (see Issue #30).
- Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 (see Pull Request #28).
- Upgraded to CXF 3.3.6 (see Issue #25).
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 2.0.9 (see Issue #25).
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 2.0.0 (see Issue #22).
- Invalid username or password returns 403 status code (see Issue #20).
- Null pointer on missing credentials (see Pull request #19).
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 1.3.13.
- Upgraded to CXF 3.2.9.
- Added possibility to set binding id on client proxy factory (see Issue #14).
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 1.3.5 (see Pull request #16).
- Upgraded to CXF 3.2.6 (see Issue #17).
- JAXWSBundle now returns JAX-WS endpoint (see Issue #13).
- Support for providing a property bag to JAX-WS endpoint (see Issue #13).
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 1.2.1.
- Upgraded to CXF 3.2.1.
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 1.1.0.
- Upgraded to CXF 3.1.11.
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 1.0.2.
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 1.0.0.
- Upgraded to CXF 3.1.6.
- Java 8 is used by default.
- Added support for publishedEndpointUrl (see Pull request #9).
- Added support for CXF @UseAsyncMethod annotation (see Pull request #8).
- Added support for multiple JAXWSBundle instances (see Issue #7).
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 0.9.2.
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 0.9.1.
- Upgraded to CXF 3.1.4.
- Project is now released to Maven Central. Maven coordinates were changed.
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 0.8.1.
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 0.8.0.
- Upgraded to CXF 3.0.4.
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 0.7.1.
- Upgraded to CXF 3.0.0.
- Added MTOM support and examples.
- Updated JAXWSBundle API: introduced EndpointBuilder and ClientBuilder.
- Added support for CXF interceptors.
- Upgraded to Dropwizard 0.7.0.
- Upgraded to CXF 2.7.8.
- Initial Release (uses Dropwizard 0.6.2).