🥝 This README will be updated as we transition from the original dropwizard-jaxws to this repository. 🥝
Dropwizard Jakarta XML Web Services is a Dropwizard Bundle that enables building SOAP web services and clients using Jakarta XML Web Services with Dropwizard.
- Uses Apache CXF web services framework (no Spring Framework dependency).
- Java-first and WSDL-first service development.
- Use standard Jakarta XML Web Services annotations without custom deployment descriptors.
- Metrics instrumentation: @Metered, @Timed and @ExceptionMetered annotations.
- Dropwizard validation support.
- Dropwizard Hibernate support (@UnitOfWork).
- Dropwizard basic authentication using Dropwizard Authenticator.
- Web service client factory.
- Support for Jakarta XML Web Services handlers, MTOM, CXF interceptors (both client and server side) and CXF @UseAsyncMethod annotation.
This library was imported from roskart/dropwizard-jaxws, which as of November 2023 seems to be no longer maintained by the original creator.
Since we are still using this library in our REST web services that use Dropwizard and Jakarta XML Web Services, we decided to import the original repository and continue maintaining it for our own use. And of course, anyone else who might want to use it.
We make no guarantees whatsoever about how long we will maintain it, and also plan to make our own changes such as changing the base package name to org.kiwiproject to be consistent with our other libraries.
All other kiwiproject projects are MIT-licensed. However, because the original
uses the Apache 2.0 license, we are keeping the Apache 2.0 license (otherwise to switch to MIT we
would have to gain consent of all contributors, which we do not want to do. And, we probably can't since the original
author has not been active since October 2022).
Another thing to note is that we imported this repository from the original, so that it is a "disconnected fork." We did not want a reference to the original repository since it seems no longer maintained and so no changes here will ever be pushed back upstream. Thus, while we maintain the history that this is a fork, it is completely disconnected and is now a standalone (normal) repository.
There are two things you need to do to migrate. First, change the Maven coordinates so that the groupId is org.kiwiproject, the artifactId is dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws, and choose the latest version.
Second, when we imported this repository, we updated it from the Dropwizard 2.x and JAX-WS to Dropwizard 4.x
and Jakarta XML Web Services, which means that all the package names have changed from javax
to jakarta
This means you will need to change dependencies
to Jakarta XML Web Services.
For the initial 0.5.0 version, we will
retain the original package names (com.roskart.dropwizard.jaxws
Release 0.6.0 will remove
deprecated code, i.e., the deprecated methods in JAXWSBundle
. It will also
rename the modules so that they are consistent, i.e., rename dropwizard-jaxws
to dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws
Finally, 0.6.0 comments out the Maven Shade plugin in the POM of dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws-example
that the JAR deployed to Maven Central is small (a few KB instead of the 40+ MB uber-jar).
Release 0.7.0 has multiple
breaking API changes. First, it renames the packages to org.kiwiproject.dropwizard.jakarta.xml.ws
matches the actual Jakarta packages which begin with jakarta.xml.ws
). Release 0.7.0 also renames the bundle
and environment classes to start with JakartaXmlWs
instead of JAXWS
, so they become JakartaXmlWsBundle
and JakartaXmlWsEnvironment
respectively. Finally, it renames the application and configuration classes
in the example application to JakartaXmlWsExampleApplication
and JakartaXmlWsExampleConfiguration
We may, in a future release, extract the example application into a separate repository which will not be deployed to Maven Central, as the original repository did.
To use dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws in your project, add the following dependency to your pom.xml
SOAP service:
public HelloWorldSOAP {
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello world!";
Dropwizard application:
public class MyApplication extends Application<MyApplicationConfiguration> {
private JakartaXmlWsBundle<MyApplicationConfiguration> jswBundle = new JakartaXmlWsBundle<>();
public void initialize(Bootstrap<MyApplicationConfiguration> bootstrap) {
public void run(MyApplicationConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
new EndpointBuilder("/hello", new HelloWorldSOAP()));
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new MyApplication().run(args);
Using HelloWorldSOAP web service client:
HelloWorldSOAP helloWorld=jwsBundle.getClient(
new ClientBuilder(HelloWorldSOAP.class, "http://server/path"));
Module dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws-example
contains Dropwizard application (JakartaXmlWsExampleApplication
) with the
following SOAP
web services and RESTful resources:
SimpleService: A minimal 'hello world' example.
JavaFirstService: Java first development example.
interface uses Jakarta XML Web Services annotations.JavaFirstServiceImpl
contains service implementation instrumented with Metrics annotations. Service is secured with basic authentication usingdropwizard-auth
implements DropwizardAuthenticator
accesses authenticated user properties via injected Jakarta XML Web ServicesWebServiceContext
. -
WsdlFirstService: WSDL first development example. WSDL is stored in
. Code is generated usingcxf-codegen-plugin
which is configured inpom.xml
contains service implementation with blocking and non-blocking methods.WsdlFirstServiceHandler
contains server-side Jakarta XML Web Services handler. -
implements the service.@UnitOfWork
annotations are used for defining transactional boundaries.@Valid
annotation is used for parameter validation oncreatePerson
accesses the database throughPersonDAO
. Embedded H2 database is used. Database configuration is stored in Dropwizard config fileconfig.yaml
. -
MtomService: WSDL first MTOM attachment example. WSDL is stored in
. Code is generated usingcxf-codegen-plugin
which is configured inpom.xml
contains service implementation with MTOM enabled. -
AccessProtectedServiceResource: Dropwizard RESTful service which uses
client to invokeJavaFirstService
SOAP web service on the same host. User credentials are provided to access protected service. -
AccessWsdlFirstServiceResource: Dropwizard RESTful service which uses
client to invokeWsdlFirstService
SOAP web service on the same host.WsdlFirstClientHandler
contains client-side Jakarta XML Web Services handler. -
AccessMtomServiceResource: Dropwizard RESTful service which uses
client to invokeMtomService
SOAP web service on the same host as an example for client side MTOM support. -
for examples on usage of client side Jakarta XML Web Services handler and CXF interceptors.
Before doing anything else, edit pom.xml in the dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws root folder and uncomment the maven-shade-plugin. This is temporary until the examples are moved into a separate repository.
After cloning the repository, go to the dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws root folder and run:
mvn package
To run the example service:
java -jar \
dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws-example/target/dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws-example-[version].jar \
server dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws-example/config.yaml
When using maven-shade-plugin
for building fat jar, you must add the following transformer
element to plugin
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
For example on building fat jar, see dropwizard-jakarta-xml-ws-example/pom.xml
When using Gradle and a recent version of shadowJar use the following snippet:
shadowJar {
// ...
Apache Software License 2.0, see LICENSE.
The original repository listed its complete change log at the end of this README.
We have moved it here for historical purposes.
Releases in this repository use GitHub releases.