Lets you :
- Know the prayer time of the current day.
- Play Athan sound to remind the driver to pray.
- Find mosque nearby within a set distance (500m).
- Listen to Quran.
- Download ngi sdk from GM Website
- In directory, run command
npm install -g ./ngi-sdk.tgz
note: You need to be running Node 8.9.4
- cd salat
- run command "ngi serve"
- Enjoy.
The webapp, takes gps coordinates from GM's ngi vehicle api and then uses these coordinates with :
- The google maps api to find mosque within a set distance.
- The [prayerTimes api](http://praytimes.org) to get prayer times.
Team : LABIBI Ayoub, KNARI Anas, CHOUAI Salim.
Master Big Data Analytics & Smart Systems.
Faculty of science Dhar Mahraz - Fez/Morocco.