Made with 💓 from Nepal
A project you can clone to build your next project with Flutter with Firebase services.
- Firebase Authentication
- Email based sign up/in
- Google Sign in
- Cloud Firestore
- Firebase Messaging
- Firebase analytics
- Properly track screen names
- Ability to track custom events
- Properly set userid and user properties
- Firebase Crashlytics
- Remote Config
- Provider State management
- Firebase Storage
- Localization ready
- Flavors for Dev and Prod environment (can use different firebase projects based on flavor)
- Google Fonts
- Image picker
- Image cropper
- Device info (saved in user's profile)
- Package info
- Flutter Auth buttons
- User's profile management
- Android release signing config
How to start your project based on this.
Clone this repository locally. The folder structure is somewhat based on clean code architecture
folder to clear git history -
package change the package name to whatever you want your package name to be -
For changing iOS package name use the text editors Find and Replace in whole project folder where you need to find
and with the package name you want -
Using the same Find and replace in whole project folder search for
(package name for dart/flutter project) and replace it with your own suitable name. (check the flutter package naming standards for acceptable format) -
Using the same Find and replace in whole project folder search for
Firebase Starter
(display name, launcher name) and replace it with your own suitable name for your app -
for dev firebase project inandroid/app/src/dev/
and prod firebase project inandroid/app/src/prod/
for dev firebase project inios/Runner/firebase/dev/
and prod firebase project inios/Runner/firebase/prod
For android signing, modify
with your signing details and replacekeys/keystore.jks
with your own keystore or provide different location inandroid/
for your keystore -
For google sign in to work copy value of
from appropriate (dev, prod)GoogleService-Info.plist
and paste in Xcode->Target Runner->Build Settings tab -> GSI_CLIENT_ID user defined variable. Value forDebug-dev
configuration should be the one from devGoogleService-Info.plist
and rest should be from prodGoogleService-Info.plist
For push notifications to work on iOS, you need to follow following two steps as described in firebase_messaging iOS integration section
- Generate the certificates required by Apple for receiving push notifications following this guide in the Firebase docs. You can skip the section titled "Create the Provisioning Profile".
- Follow the steps in the "Upload your APNs certificate" section of the Firebase docs.
- Install localizely plugin for your IDE(VS Code or Android Studio)
- For VS code use the command
Flutter Intl: Add locale
to add new locale, - For android studio, goto
Tools | Flutter Intl
menu and findAdd Locale
command. - This will generated the required arb file. You just need to update it with your key-value pairs
- Also check the documentation of the respective tools
Contribution (suggestions, issues, feature request, pull requests) are highly welcome. Also looking for help in making it testable by adding unit, widget and integration tests.