Native Linux CAN interface. This firmware can be used with the CANalyze hardware.
- Native CAN interface in Linux
- Uses SocketCAN and 8dev device driver.
- USB 2.0 FS and CAN 2.0 interface
- Support for 11-bit and 29-bit CAN IDs
- Normal, listen only, loopback and one shot modes
- Reports CAN errors
- User defined baud rates
- Built entirely using open source software
- Designed for reverse engineering
You need the CANalyze hardware.
Install required packages
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi openocd dfu-util
$ git clone
$ cd canalyze-fw
$ mkdir lib
Download and unzip STM32CubeF0 to lib/.
Connect the BOOT pins and press reset. Then run
$ make dfu
to make and download the firmware onto the device. Finally remove the BOOT pins jumper and press reset again to start the application.
If you are going to do a lot of flashing it's probably easier to get a STM32 programmer, such as the ST-LINK/V2, and connect the SWD pins. Then you just need to run
$ make flash
when you want make and flash the firmware onto the device.
Bring up CAN interface
$ sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
Sniff CAN messages
$ cansniffer -c can0
or dump all CAN messages
$ candump can0
Send a CAN message
$ cansend can0 666#01020304