This service has been ported to the official WebdriverIO v5 repo. Please see for future usage
This service sets up applitools.eyes with WebdriverIO
npm install --save wdio-applitools-service
Replace MY_API_KEY with the API key of your account (you can find it in your signup Email).
// wdio.conf.js
export.config = {
applitools: {
apiKey: "MY_API_KEY",
matchTimeout: 2000,
matchLevel: "Strict",
forceFullPageScreenshot: false,
hideScrollbars: true,
// ...
services: ['applitools'],
// ...
browser.checkWindow(windowName, matchTimeout); browser.checkElement(selector, matchTimeout, "tag"); browser.checkRegion(selector, "window_name", matchTimeout); browser.checkFrame(selector, matchTimeout, "tag"); browser.checkRegionInFrame(selector, matchTimeout, "tag", isScrollable);
eyes.setMatchLevel("Level"); eyes.setSaveNewTests(true/false);