tumblR is an R package which provides access to the Tumblr API. At the moment only API calls which get information are supported.
The following functions are supported:
- setup_tumblr_apikey
- setup_tumblr_oauth
#####No Authentication
- get_avatar
#####API Key
Note that in order to call any of these functions setup_tumblr_apikey must be called first.
- get_likes
- get_iterated_likes
- get_info
- get_posts
- get_iterated_posts
- get_tagged
- get_iterated_tagged
Note that in order to call these methods both setup_tumblr_apikey and setup_tumblr_oauth must be called first.
- get_followers
- get_iterated_followers
- get_queued_posts
- get_draft_posts
- get_submission_posts
- get_user_info
- get_user_dashboard
- get_iterated_user_dashboard
- get_user_likes
- get_iterated_user_likes
- get_user_following
- get_iterated_user_following
To use this library (except to get avatars) you will require a Tumblr api key. These can be gotten from Tumblr. In order to get an api key (consumer key) you:
- Go to the tumblr applications page (Log in may be required)
- Click + Register application
- Your OAuth Consumer Key is your API Key.
superBowlPosts <- get_tagged("superbowl")
staffInfo <- get_info("staff.tumblr.com")
all = get_posts("staff.tumblr.com")
posts = all$posts
corpus = unlist(sapply(posts, function(x) x$tags))
wordcloud(corpus,colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
This package can be installed directly from Github using the devtools package.