Releases: klarna/sfcc-klarna-payments
Releases · klarna/sfcc-klarna-payments
Release 24.6.0
- This version includes auth callback feature for client-side calls to ensure that orders can still be placed even if there are frontend communication issues.
- Some bug fixes.
Release 24.5.0
This version includes migration to SFRA version 7.0.0.
The Sign In With Klarna (SIWK) feature, which allows customers to quickly and securely sign up for your platform using their Klarna account information.
Release 24.4.0
- RO and CZ countries support.
- Configuration structure updates: New Settings Points: Klarna Activation Custom Object, Site Preferences: Klarna Activation (Klarna_Activation), Klarna Payments (Klarna_KP), Klarna Express Checkout (Klarna_KEC), Klarna On-site Messaging (Klarna_OSM).
- Deprecations: Klarna Countries Custom Object, Site Preferences: Klarna Payments (Klarna_Payments), Klarna Recurring Payments (Klarna_RecurringPayments), Klarna Express Checkout (Klarna_ExpressCheckout), Removed Site Preferences Attributes: kpServiceName, kpBankTransferCallback, kpRejectedMethodDisplay, kpNotAvailableMessage, vcnPrivateKey, vcnPublicKey, KpRateLimitByOperation, kpCreateNewSessionWhenExpires, sendProductAndImageURLs.
Release 24.3.0
- Update of Klarna Express Checkout configuration. The display of Klarna Express Checkout buttons is now customizable by selecting preferred placements. By default, none is selected.
- Documentation update – new section added “Klarna Display Conditions and Authorization Handling”
Release 24.2.0
- Update of OSM functionality that is more aligned with current web standards, provides a consistent identifier system as used in KEC, and offers enhanced customization options to our merchants. This will not only improve the user experience but also reinforce Klarna’s commitment to providing versatile and state-of-the-art e-commerce solutions. CSS customizations are available only in the new library version.
- Documentation update - new section added for cartridge upgrade process.
Release 24.1.0
- Klarna Express Checkout: a new feature introduced in Storefront where Express Checkout Button will be displayed in PDP, Cart and Mini Cart and user will be redirected to Klarna after clicking Express Checkout button. Klarna Express Checkout enabled quick and easy checkout where Shipping Address, Billing Address and Payment details will be preselected so that Checkout can be completed in fewer clicks.
- Fix for create order service calls with 500 status response: now orders are not created and error is thrown for these cases.
Release 23.2.0
- Subscription Payments support: recurring payments and subscription handling directly within the SFCC environment. This update includes configuration options, subscription management in the cart and checkout pages, and a customer dashboard for subscription oversight.
- Klarna Bank Transfer payment: added a new server-side authorization callback feature for Klarna Bank Transfer payments, enhancing reliability across EU markets and supporting all existing KP cartridge functionalities.
Release 23.1.1
- Fixed an issue where sessions with negative order_tax_amount occurred due to SFCC session expiration
- Compatibility mode 21.2 support
- Replace deprecated window.KlarnaOnsiteService.push with window.Klarna.OnsiteMessaging.refresh.
Release 23.1.0
- Fix issue with incorrect values for EMD
- Improvement Klarna Auto Capture and error handling
- Logging information for troubleshooting bugs
- Add Auto_finalise=True to the review checkout flow.
Release 22.5.0
- OMS support