Package gosolarpos contains functions to find topocentric solar coordinates, i.e. the sun’s position on the sky at a given date, latitude, and longitude (and other parameters).
This is a partial Golang port of Currently, only the Grena/ENEA #3 algorithm is included - which should be fine for most applications, and preferable to many of the unattributed sun position calculation snippets floating around the Web.
To use this module:
import (
azimuthDegrees, zenithDegrees := gosolarpos.Grena3(time.Now(),
52.521667, // latitude (degrees)
13.413333, // longitude (degrees)
68, // Delta T (s) - if unknown, use EstimateDeltaT()
1000, // air pressure (hPa)
20) // air temperature (°C)
println(azimuthDegrees, zenithDegrees)
A simple CLI is also available:
$ cd cmd/sol
$ go install
$ sol --lat 48.266667 --lon -116.566667
using current time: 2023-01-22 09:46:27.86356 +0100 CET m=+0.000386917
estimating delta-T: 70.81
using standard sea-level pressure: 1013.25 hPa
azimuth: 23.252482° zenith: 149.786614°