Releases: klaytn/kaikas-web3-provider
Releases · klaytn/kaikas-web3-provider
kaikas-web3-provider v1.0.3
- Change _eth_accounts function to async function.
kaikas-web3-provider v1.0.2
- Add Kaikas sendasync function to handle JSONRPCResponse properly. Enable Error handling when there's no function to handle send request.
- Delete Package-lock.json file.
- Add file
kaikas-web3-provider v1.0.1
To integrate Kaikas wallet to web3modal library and use other wallets with the same codes, Kaikas provider should be extended to cover eth_ APIs. By using this package, Kaikas wallet will be easily integrated into web3modal and we can use web3.js library to sign messages, send transactions, etc.