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Discord bot for playing custom sounds in voice chat. It is similar to the new official Soundboard feature, but allows for unlimited samples per instance. Supports .mp3 files for now. Also supports "hot-reload", meaning that you can add and remove sound files on the fly without restarting the bot.

The bot is written in Rust, and uses Songbird for voice communications.


You can get mememachine-rs up and running in 3 ways:

  • Running the executable locally
  • Running it via Docker
  • Hosting it on

But first of all, a bot account for it has to be created.

Creating a Discord Bot Account

Create a new bot account (guide). Things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure to enable the Message Content Intent under the Bot - Privileged Gateway Intents
  • When creating the invite URL, tick the bot scope, then the following permissions:
    • Send Messages
    • Connect
    • Speak
  • Save your bot token as you'll need it when starting up the bot

Running Locally

If you wish to run the bot locally, you're going to need to install FFmpeg on your computer, as that is what the bot uses for loading sounds.


  • Windows: Download the executable (Don't forget to add it to you PATH)
  • MacOS: brew install ffmpeg
  • Linux: apt install ffmpeg/pacman -S ffmpeg

Then follow the steps below:

  • Download the latest release for your OS from the Releases page
  • Extract the executable
  • Prepare some .mp3 files in a directory (by default, the bot looks for the sounds directory next to its executable, but this can be overridden with the SOUNDS_PATH environment variable)
  • Start the bot (also define the SOUNDS_PATH environment variable to locate the sound files if necessary):
  • Linux/MacOS: DISCORD_TOKEN=<your-token> ./mememachine-rs
  • Windows: set DISCORD_TOKEN=<your-token> && mememachine-rs.exe & set DISCORD_TOKEN=

Running via Docker

  • Make sure you have Docker installed and that it's running
  • Create a .env file using the .env.example, putting in your DISCORD_TOKEN (SOUNDS_PATH is not necessary as we'll use a volume mount for the sounds)
  • Prepare some .mp3 files in a directory, and note down the path, as we'll mount this into the container in the next step
  • Run docker run -d --env-file <path-to-env-file> -v <path-of-sounds-on-host>:/app/sounds --restart unless-stopped --name mememachine-rs
  • Example workflow:
    • echo "DISCORD_TOKEN=my-token" > .env
    • mkdir sounds
    • docker run -d --env-file .env -v ./sounds:/app/sounds --restart unless-stopped --name mememachine-rs

Hosting on Fly

  • Create a Fly account
  • Install flyctl
  • Clone the repository, then cd into the root of it
  • Run fly auth login
  • Make adjustments to fly.toml if needed (for example, if you want to change regions)
  • Run fly launch and run through the wizard:
    • Make sure to answer y to the first prompt (this will use the settings from the fly.toml file in the repo)
    • Say n to creating a Postgres instance, Redis instance or to deploying right away
  • Set up your Discord token as a secret: fly secrets set DISCORD_TOKEN=<xxx>
  • Create a volume where you'll store your sounds: fly volumes create mememachine_data --region <app-region> --size 1
  • Deploy the app: fly deploy

To add sounds to the created volume, you can use the SFTP functionality of flyctl:

  • Start an interactive SFTP session: fly sftp shell
  • Run put <path-to-sound-file> to upload a file

Disclaimer: As of now, there is no way to copy multiple files at once using this method, so it might be a bit of a hassle to do.

Environment Variables

  • DISCORD_TOKEN*: Your bot account's Discord token (required)
  • SOUNDS_PATH: The directory where the sound files will be picked up from. Defaults to <directory-of-bot>/sounds


The bot's prefix is %. The available commands are:

  • %list/%help: Prints a list of all available sounds to play
  • %random: Chooses a random sound from the sounds directory and plays it. The user who initiated this command has to be in a voice channel
  • %<sound-name>: Plays the sounds file named <sound-name>. This must be supplied without the .mp3 extension. The user who initiated this command has to be in a voice channel
    • Example: %hello will play the sound named hello.mp3


The bot will log INFO-level logs to stdout by default. To change the log level, supply the RUST_LOG environment variable with one of the following: trace, debug, info, warn, error.